
Am I eligible for a U.K. passport, citizenship or work permit?

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I was born in Canada and 3 out of my 4 grandparents were born in England or Scotland.




  1. You are not eligible for the first two, if you find someone willing to employ you and have enough 'points' for  work visa you can apply for one of those.

  2. Not the first two  - Grandparent is too far back to obtain a British passport/citizenship through hereditary - it has to be a parent.

    Anyone can appy for a Work Permit provided they are highly skilled and have enough "points".  Its not easy though.  It would depend on what skillset you had to offer the UK.  We no longer take unskilled or semiskilled workers from outside the EU, regardless of their parentage.

    As you are from a country in the Commonwealth, you might get an Ancestry Visa - which gives you 5 years to stay here, provided you have enough money to support yourself/a job  (you will have no recourse to public funds).  you would have to provide proof of your Grandparents' birth.

    Good luck.

  3. you could play football for england or scotland, so I would presume so

  4. Probably not directly if neither of your parents was born in the UK.

    The rules are:

    Applicants born outside the United Kingdom before 1 January 1983 - eligibility can only be claimed through the father's line.  British nationality is transmitted one generation by descent to an applicant born overseas with a United Kingdom born father.  A claim does not usually extend to a United Kingdom born grandfather.

    Applicants born outside the United Kingdom after 1 January 1983 - eligibility can be claimed through the father's and mother's line.  Citizenship is normally acquired by descent from a parent who is a British citizen otherwise than by descent, ie parent born in the United Kingdom or parent born overseas whilst their father was serving with the British Forces or British Diplomatic Service at the time of the parent's birth and had been recruited in the United Kingdom for that service.

    Otherwise, you could go for an Ancestry visa.

    Commonwealth nationals who have a grandparent who was born in the UK may enter the UK for a period of five years. The main criteria are that you are able to support yourself without access to public funds and are willing and able to work., it is advantageous but not necessary to have a firm offer of employment in the UK.

    After 5 years continuous stay in the UK on an Ancestry visa you may apply for permanent residency.

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