
Am I entitled to be paid from my employment?

by  |  earlier

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I started working for a company but realised soon after that it wasnt the job for me (my care standards were by far much higher)

I signed no contract of employment (I was only there 2 days and I believe the first 3 months are no-contractual)

I was told when I left that I would only get paid for the hours I worked and not paid for the three days training I did (as you get this after being there for 3 months as a 'token' payment) and thats fair enough

Well - if not been paid :-( I know they will get arsy when I call and moan about the fact (as they did at the time) that I have to give a weeks notice, however I didnt sign anythingto say I would. I left them with 4 days to cover my next shift ad think that was pretty fair

Should I have worked a notice and does anyone forsee any reason why I shouldnt get paid for what I have worked?




  1. If you are in the UK and you knew that you had to give a weeks notice, before you started working for them, then they are entitled to keep monies owed to you.

    Just because you didn't sign anything doesn't mean the terms don't apply.  There was still a contract of employment formed when they offered you a job and you accepted.  The UK statutory minimum requirement for notice is 1 week.

  2. well my parents work in schools and they get paid once a month so you would be lucky to get 3 days worth ;)

    always remember the contract honey!

  3. No but you don't say how long ago this was, some companies only pay employees at certain times. But phone them up and ask them when you are going to get your pay, you are entitled to it after all, so what if they get arsey, its your money.

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