
Am I fat,normal or skinny,because i need to know.There is a picture included!?

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  1. Honestly, I would say you are a little bit chubby, but definitely not fat. The most you could stand to lose would be 10-15 pounds. But you don't need to lose weight. All depends on how you feel about yourself. Good luck with whatever you do. But yeah as "paramedic girl" said, its not a good idea to post pictures of yourself on here. never know what kind of weirdos will look at them.

  2. Honestly, can't really gauge from you sitting down.  Maybe, a little cute and chubby.

    You can refer to this quick chart to see what's your ideal weight for your height.

    Understanding energy balance is the key to losing weight successfully.

    Calorie intake > Calorie use ==> Weight Gain

    Calorie intake = Calorie use ==> No change in body weight

    Calorie intake < Calorie use ==> Weight loss

    Losing weight does not mean avoiding food. Instead, eat less food that is high in fat and added sugar. Eat a variety of plant-based food like whole grains, fruit and vegetables. These food provide bulk and promote the feeling of fullness.

    Eat regular meals and avoid skipping meals as it may lead to overeating at subsequent meals.

    Move more - Exercise

    Physical activity is an essential part of any effective weight loss programme. It helps burn calories and builds muscles.  

  3. I think you're cute. :D But you are a little chubby, you need to wear clothes that complement you. You should ditch the hobo-sweater, it makes you look insecure. If you're self conscious or are worried about your health ask your doctor to evaluate you to decide if it is a problem, and you can try exercising/toning, but all you really need is to figure out your body type and find clothes that complement your shape.

    Also, do not start dieting without a doctor's opinion, which seems like a waste of money.. but it's not. I was a little chubby about two years ago, and my dad made a comment about my weight that set me off, and I started dieting. now, i'm underweight. i lost about 10-15 pounds. my ribs and hip bones show and i have no figure. At one point my sister confronted me asking me to get help. D:

  4. You are a gorgeous girl with nothing to worry about at all!

    By the way kiddo, you shouldn't post photos of yourself on here. There are all kinds of weirdos on the internet. Maybe delete the question.

  5. ur a bit chubby but definitely not fat so u dont need to worry oh and just so u no its not really good to post pictures of yourself here in case of weirdos and perverts

  6. You're thick but defiantly not fat.

    Don't worry, you look young so you're likely to stretch out.

    If you're concerned about loosing weight just try hard in P.E, that's all you need. Like on your laps, actually run fast.

    Good Luck, and don't worry, you don't look bad.

  7. I would say that you are normal. Its kinda hard to tell with that picture but I would definitely not say that you are fat and I also don't think you are skinny. But you are closer to skinny than you are to fat. That's my honest answer.

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