
Am I fat?!?!?!?!?!?1?!?!?!?!?

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I'm 5'4" and about 135-140lbs and im 15.

is that fat?




  1. a little chunky, try eating healthier and drinking more water.

  2. no...not really

  3. idk i am 5'2" and 90-95lbs and i am 14.

    i depends on your bone structure really. but i don't think so...ask your doctor.

  4. No you aren't.  I checked your BMI and you are in the healthy weight range. I'm positive your not fat.  Check my source if you want to see yourself, or you need it for later "checking".

    EDIT: I know how you feel though, but your 15.  Its normal to feel that way.  Just feel confident, and if you feel you are fat try eating more fruit and less chips.  Or 100% all natural fruit juice(no sugar added)  instead of soda.  You'll feel wayyyy better and have plenty of energy.  My best friend and i sometimes get hyper when we eat fruit.  :p

    P.S.  I'm not assuming that you do this.  It doesn't seem like you do.  Just some tips to give ideas, or just in case you really do.

  5. No

    It just depends on your body structure or what ever..

    i cant say if ur fat or not.. lol

  6. No

    but you arent stick thin either

    i think you are average

    go check ur BMI

  7. There is a Calorie calculate programe

    Healthy Weight Range Calculator

    More infomation the link:

    When you have this question, please calculate in this site!

  8. your weight in numbers really has nothing to do with fat... for all we now you could be a soccer/rugby/hockey/weight lifting 15 year old with beautiful shape. Always remember muscle weights more than fat! Measurements are the best determining factor. I would start with measuring your smile :) stay happy !!  

  9. depends..

    you should have posted a picture..

    But don't call yourself fat.. your just probly fluffy not fat

    life live to your fullest ok be happy!

  10. yes ***** you be fat  

  11. No you are not!  I'm 22, I'm 5ft5 and I weigh in that range as well--I am also a shot girl at a prestigious night club, and not to sound cocky, but you kinda have to have a right look for that industry.  So I know I'm not fat, and you are pretty much the same as me, so therefore I know youre not fat.  It's all about how you hold yourself and what you think of yourself. If it is really worrying you, just make sure to eat healthy and maybe go on a steady walk everyday--or increase cardio.  You are also 15, so you really shouldn't be worried about it, live life and have fun.  The way I thought about it is that at 15 (and even 22) you still have a good metabolism, so eat and enjoy while you still can!!!

    One thing my sister used to tell me is that the sexiest and most attractive thing about a person is that they know they are attractive!  So as long as you "know" you look good then you do!!

  12. Hunny, you are 15, just make sure you are eating healthy. Stay away from the scale.  

  13. Please see my answer below

  14. don't listen to these people saying you are "chunky."

    you are at the perfect weight for your height!

    your BMI is 24 at the most, and to be overweight your BMI has to be above 25.

    I'm actually aiming to be your size when I finish losing all of my weight,

    I'm your height too!

    Learn to love your body, because so many people would love to be in your shoes.

  15. Ok, it's hard to say without a picture... but I'd say that your probably not at "ideal" weight... Though, I'm thinking that your probably not fat and actually probably nice looking at that weight ratio, especially if you hold it well...

    So, I'll go with no..

  16. no you are fine

  17.   You are not Fat your BMI is normal (healthy)

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