
Am I feeling a bit poetic with this one?

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You must've switched to your high beams

Your eyes are so bright

I'm staring at your dreams

I liked the one about the flower garden

You had a southern accent

And kept asking to beg my pardon

The buttermilk biscuits drove me wild

Alaga syrups, grits, eggs,

Had me cheesing like a hungry child

Yeah, I know it makes no sense

But hey it's your dream

Why should I have to comprehend?




  1. Dreams can be so amazing and there is no rhyme or reason why we dream the things we do!  Some to work out  the strife in life or situations that need that little extra beam of light!  

    Great poem it probably wasn't supposed to but now have the hunger for buttermilk  biscuits!!

    Very nice poetry, Cheers!!

  2. Poetic you are feeling!

    I can't understand my own dreams, much less try to figure out the goings on in someone else's head!

    Good morning!

  3. I so enjoy your poems, and then I read how people try to change them and it upsets me.  Poetry is something that flows from the heart and the mind and we are all individuals.  Sometimes I feel like shouting that message to some of them.

    I think it is lovely.  I spent many years living in the South and knew everything you were talking was like a dream of me being a Southern Belle waking to a lovely breakfast made just for me!!!  Thanks for the lovely poem!!!

    Peace & Love  :)

  4. I dreamed I had a popsicle,

    I dreamed I had a fight

    with this little spell chick

    she kept me up all night!

    I like your dream observations much more.  Very funny and sweet poem!


  5. I like your poem about the southern belle.

    I don't know what alaga syrup is either, but I really liked the context you have used it in.

    The only part I have a little trouble with is the "You had a pardon. It's a little awkward.

    Did you ponder that as well?

    Consider Travelin's suggestion,"I like the one about a flower garden,

    You had a soft, southern accent,

    Yes, you kept begging my pardon."

    Nice ending!

  6. Without intending offense of any sort, see if the subtile changes below make the flow and rhythum any better.

    On a side note,,, what is alaga syrups ?

    You switched to your high beams,

    Your eyes now so bright,

    I'm staring into your dreams.

    I like the one about a flower garden,

    You had a soft, southern accent,

    Yes, you kept begging my pardon.

    Buttermilk biscuits drove me wild,

    Alaga syrups, grits, eggs,

    Had me clamoring like a hungry child.

    I know, it makes no sort of sense,

    It's your dream, not one of mine,

    Why should I have to comprehend?

  7. I don't expect you to comprehend the goings-ons in my dream, I don't even understand what happens in them. If you do happen to decipher it, will you let me know?

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