
Am I forgetting anything in my hospital bag that I will really really need?

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I have all of the basics I think, lots of pads, underwear, socks, coming home I really need to bring like the soaps and stuff or do they have any of that at the hospital. I also have a couple outfits for myself and my cell phone charger, my camera...umm what else? Am I allowed to bring any snacks? I'm being induced this Tuesday the 2nd. Can I bring a blanket? Last time I was there I was freezing cause they have those just real thin sheet things. Can you think of anything you wish you would have brought with you when you went to labor?




  1. Take chapstick.  That is a lifesavor.  the hospital does provide soap, but it makes your skin dry and they expect you to use that soap for shampoo as well and it makes your hair dry.  get travel sized shampoo/conditoner, deoderant, toothbrush/paste, lotion, and for baby, take a diaper bag, but leave it in the car.  The hospital will provide onesies, blankets, diapers and wipes.  Just take a going home outfit for baby.  Take some magazines or a book.  When getting induced it can take awhile.  Goodluck and congrats

  2. I really wished I had brought my own shampoo and conditioner and stuff. It is just so comforting to have things that you use at home. When I finally got them I was so happy to use then. You don't have to but you can. They will let you bring your pillow. I would bring a book, I loved reading out loud to my baby girl even when she was sleeping. You can bring snacks and stuff, you can bring anything you want really. Anything comforting I would bring. You will not be feeling great and anything that makes you feel better is good. I brought hair things and stuff too.  

  3. I brought my own shampoo's and soaps, for I like a brand in particular. If you are not picky... I'm sure they will provide you with some!

    I brought with me a lip balm. It turned out to be very handy for me. Also, I would suggest to bring snacks and drinks (like gatorade for energy boost). The time between meals was too long for me (and meals too small for me).

    If you have lots of relatives/friends around you, they might keep you busy, and the rest of the time, you might just want to sleep. But if you are not too busy with people coming, then yes, bring books/magazines. What else... I bring my own towel too. Don't like the idea of sharing towels. Bring flip-flops to walk around. Hair tighs if you have long hair (or bandana for shorter hair).

    I stayed in the hospital for 2 days and half. I had an episiotomy, and I needed time to make sure the stiches were still good after 2 days. I think it's well on average.

    Word of advice - Get someone to take pictures of your little one when he/she will be born. While you are on the delivery bed, you cannot see the weighing/measuring process happening. I had my mom taking picture of it all.

    Good luck my dear! Enjoy the baby!

  4. Sounds like you've got it taken care of! Magazines are a great idea and even though you can't eat while in labor they will be nice to have in your room afterwards...did you pack the baby some clothes? your own pillow and blanket is a good idea...even though it's nice to have them you actually wont need pads and panties because the hospital will give you the pads and ice pack and things like that and they give you these little mesh "panties" to wear to hold it all in place..good luck!

  5. The things you don't need is pads and underwear... you will leak through and ruin your underwear, and the hospital will give you pads 2-3x larger than a super overnight size one... you will need the bigger ones.

    You can bring food. You can bring your blanket and pillow and all that, but keep in mind you will want to wash anything you bring as soon as you get home to keep those hospital germs out of your house. I wouldn't bring any of that.

    I would bring my own soap and shampoo and toiletries stuff. The hospital will have a cheap kind for your use.

    For my next child the only thing I will be packing is going home clothes for me and baby, a camera, and toiletries... Everything else is a waste. My hospital provides unlimited blankets and pillows... when Alyssa was born I had about 4 pillows in the recovery room, plus they had a few extra in the closet for dad to use. Same with food, the meal plan, which you are paying for anyway, gives you more than you could eat.

  6. i would defiantly think of things to do while waiting or after delivery. yes you may bring your own pillow and blanket and snacks.

  7. U didnt mention if you had everything for the baby!!! But yes they allow whatever you want to bring! And i dont think you will be wanting to read any magazines!! And it depends on the baby of how long it will take. But inbetween time you will probably just want to sleep! There is no point in bringing food because they induced me and before they did they told me not to eat anything because unfortunately you can mess all over the doctors when its time to have the baby!! But i was so hungry my husband was sneaking me french fries from mcdonalds!! They sometimes dont allow guest to bring food either! Hope this helps!

  8. Blanket, pillow, magazines and snacks are all good ideas.  I would bring your own soap and shampoo.

  9. What I had forgotten was a small radio and some nice Cd's with the kinda music to keep you calm and relaxed!

  10. Sounds like you have everything that i have in my bag. I also packed my camera charger in case the batteries get low. Im bringing my own shampoo and conditioner but im just going to use their soap. I've also been told that the hospital will supply you with pads

  11. Pillows were allowed in my hospital and I packed myself a little sack of goodies. Hard candies, a travel hairbrush and toothbrush (in case it got lost) I forgot the conditioner last time and wished I had not.

    I needed chap stick and HEAVY socks. It is so cold and the air is usually really dry in the hospital.

    The best way that I have been induced is by using a "Cervidil" insert.  

    It was a lot less painful for me then pitocin. The only bummer was that with the Cervidil I had to be in the hospital at 5pm and stay over night. It was a 12 hour wait until labor started.

    But it was a lot less painful.  

  12. Sounds like your on the right track...the hospital will give u most things though...Dont forget your toothbrush and toothpaste

    maybe a brush or comb

    some deodorant

    lotion my hands got sooo dry after having my baby)

    a bra and some nursing pads if u will nurse and for when your milk comes in

    The nurses will give u tons of pads and they are the best ones, very long and thick..very absorbent

    they will also give u some non slip socks and as many blankets as u ask for, they dont want u to be uncomfortable while being in labor for soo long

    U can pretty much bring whatever u like, snacks,blankies, body wash etc....I brought some snacks with me and enjoyed them in my room after baby was born because the hospital food is not the best and not filling at all. Just bring the basics and anything extra that u may think u will need.

  13. All of that sounds like enough to me. Thats pretty much what Ive been told as well.


    I wish I was going with you! haha

    Im 33 weeks 5 days

  14. I have everything you have, including toilietries. PLUS... Chapstick (for breathing), snacks (for the hubby), suckers (for me, we're allowed anything with a stick at my hospital), the baby book, a book for me to read, and a massage thingy (for counter pressure). I'm also going to pack my CD player and some CD's and extra batteries.

  15. Well I never bring socks because I love the hospital socks so much. They will let you bring blankets and pillows most of the time. Depends on hospital policy. You don't need to bring soap and what not they will give that to you. Definitely bring the clothes for yourself unless you want to wear a gown the whole time. But right after delivery I went into my own clothes. Much more comfortable. You can bring snacks but they won't let you eat them while in labor. After you have the baby you can eat whatever you want or have people bring you food. But the hospital is good about giving you 3 good meals every day. Magazines are good seeing as how they have limited TV channels and it does get real boring at the hospital. When I had my third they let me go 24hours after having my daughter cause I was bored and it wasn't medically necessary for me to stay. I wish I would have brought my own towel because the hospital ones are sooooo small could barely wrap my hair up.

  16. Hairbrush, don't forget that.  The hospital will have toiletries, plus hand lotion, it's all pretty cheap stuff, but for temporary use, I think it's okay.  I would recommend bringing your own deodorant though.  Bring a going home outfit for baby, otherwise the hospital should provide everything for the baby, during his/her stay.  Don't be afraid to ask for anything at the hospital, they usually accommodate, almost any request.  Congratulations, and best of luck to you.

  17. Make sure you take a toothbrush...I forgot mine the last time and I made my hubby go and buy me one!  The soaps that they had at the hospital were very drying and I liked it when I had my own.  

    I know at our hospital they would definately allow you to bring your own blanket or pillow, they just warned us that they might get "dirty" if you are using them while in labor.  If you are being induced you might wanna bring a book or something just in case it takes a while to get you started.  Hopefully it goes super fast!  I'll be praying for ya!

    Best of luck mama!

  18. Most of the time the hospital has everything you need if you want to bring your own pillow and blanket to feel more comfortable then by all means do it.  I always brought my own lotions and soaps and shampoo cuz hospital stuff is like hotel stuff it sucks!!  I would also bring chapstick for your lips and as far as snacks g once you are admitted you wont beable to eat anything until after the baby is born.  If you want to bring snacks for your hubby or for after labor then do so.  If you are in labor and your hubby or anyone else that comes to see you is hungry have them eat outside the room....nothing worse than being hungry and not being able to eat and having someone eating right in front of you!  You sound like you have everything put together nicely!   Good Luck and God Bless!

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