
Am I g*y? Or do I have OCD?

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When I was in the eighth grade my friends and I would rip on each other all the time about stuff. And sometimes we would make fun of each other for being g*y. It got me thinking. What if I was g*y? So I started to test myself. Every time I had an erection from being aroused I would see if i was g*y by thinking about g*y s*x. I lose my erection every time and never get aroused by thinking about it. This has been my life for almost three years. I have never been aroused by other men but I am always afraid. Not one day goes by when I don't test myself. Some days I barely think about it and other days It's all I think about. If I was g*y I would be g*y. I know I'm not but why do I still obsess over it every day? Should I see a professional? Is anyone else out there like me? Please help me.




  1. your not g* worries

  2. Seek help.  You probably aren't g*y, but you're so terrified of being g*y that you've developed a complex to "test" your heterosexuality daily, which would indicate you've got issues with personal image and insecurity, not necessarily even OCD, which is a really overused term these days (my sister self-diagnosed herself with "OCD" because she "thought the posters on her walls were watching her," which is actually not OCD in the least, it's paranoia, and in her case, pretty much teenage BS anyway).

    If you are that fixated and fearful of something, you should probably seek help to see if there's some way you can excise it from your day to day life.

  3. Honestly, I think you should seek professional help. The fact that you "test" yourself everyday is very obsessive. I don't necassarily think you're g*y, but maybe homophobic? However, most homophobics are secretly g*y, so who knows.

    I honestly would seek help as soon as possible. It seems as though your life revolves around this obsession you have. It's not healthy to think about this every day!!  

  4. Don't worry! You can't just "turn" g*y! Your orientation is something you are born with and it stays with you forever. You are definately not g*y, but I think you are OCD, unfortunately. I'd see a professional.

  5. your g*y dude

  6. Guys all over joke about that but it doesn't mean that it is true. Do you have other OCD tendencies, do you check the lights, water, etc to see if it is off. Do you get other thoughts stuck in your head and can't get them out. Do you have other compulsive behavior to help stop obsessive thoughts?? But it is common for those with ocd to have thoughts that they can be g*y and not be. If you think you have ocd and have more issues than the above, consider going to your doctor and have him/her recommend a therapist, as OCD can get worse if left untreated. OCD thoughts are not the fault of the person, but the brain getting stuck-the brain misfires and causes the thoughts to get stuck. Many people have OCD and learn to deal with it.

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