
Am I getting a ticket?

by  |  earlier

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OK I'm california, it was night, I stoped at the stop light to turn left ok, and I didn't move until it was complete GREEN ARROW pointing to the left,, at the middle of the intersection a light flashed in a wierd way.. like twice, was that a traffic camera or what...I thought these cameras are without flash.. or was it some peoples camera, what do u guys think ?




  1. I do know that some "traffic" cameras have a flash, and it works in daytime as well as night time.  I've seen it.  Seems more out of 1984 and Brave New World to me!

    If you are on a green arrow, don't worry, there is always more than one camera for each photographic incident, they take more than one angle to PROVE you did or did not go through a green or red light, and it will show the green arrow.

    Still, it's creepy, and I have always said, a Democracy does NOT spy on its own people!

  2. Not to worry.  No ticket for you this time.  

    Clearly, the traffic monitor was not functioning correctly when it recorded your motion through the intersection.  I have several of these close to me, some of which take pictures when there is no movement at all in the intersection.  

    Don't worry about it.
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