So, for the last 3 days or so, I've noticed that on my right side of my mouth it hurts, at first I thought that it could be like a blister, that go away within days, but I started looking online about it, and now I'm confused. I noticed today in the mirror that the pain is on the bottom of my mouth right after my last tooth and its red, as if a tooth is growing, should I be worried? If it is a wisdom tooth do I NEED to have it removed? I remember when I was like 12 years old, my mom would take me to the dentist every 6 months, and once the dentist took out 4 teeth, 2 front the front,and 2 on the bottom to this day I can't remember what was the point of that. But anyway oh and my age is 23, can someone just explain it all to me. I've never really had any problems with my teeth.