
Am I getting mental? pls Help!

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Now i days I am seriously depressed i feel avoided by everyone. in feel dejected and humiliated i am so depressed that I am getting mad or somewat.

Yesterday I broke glasses tore papers and now a mountain of mess is lying in my room.

PLEASE HELP! Whats wronng with me?




  1. U look ok first find out the reason of your depression and try to come out of it by keeping urself busy in other activities u like most,revive ur hobbies,listen  to  good music,move with   friends.

  2. why should we answer you?

  3.          Getting your mind depressed is not a state of being mental.

    You are getting depressed by your own euphoria that you are being avoided by everyone. In actual your euphoria of negative

    feelings itself create an environment that you are being avoided and ignored.The outer world starts with your own negative or

    positive feelings and thoughts.

           As you are sensing that your are going in a disturbed state of mind, you must also sense that disturbance is not coming

    through the outer world but your own euophoric thoughts which are producing an inferiority complex in your self. With the result you put an impression on others that you are ill and one must not disturb you.


                          You are feeling it like insanity but its not like that. Your mental troubles make you disturbed and symptoms arise

    as you mentioned. Symptoms described by you can be termed as manic depression and not the madness.


                         The manic depression actually refers to one of the two extreme mental poles experienced by patients with this depression type. In the manic phase the patient exhibits an unusually high level of energy and euphoria; in the opposite phase the patient exhibits severe symptoms of depression. An individual with manic depression will sometimes cycle rapidly back and forth between these two poles. However, it is generally the case that people suffering from manic depression spend most of the time in the depressive pole.


                           But this type of depression may easily be controlled and dont take it as madness and all that.You require a very good councillor who can make you understand about the real facts about life and your positive character and feelings. In addition to that you require yogic exercises and a balanced diet plan. You will be all right.



  4. No because my mother had the same problems because she was going threw alot of stress my advice would be 2 go 2 the doctors and get pills for it alot of people go threw this

  5. if think we both are sailing in the same boat

    but i landed some where and ur still continuing ur journey

    wat i did it helped me and now am feling good

    if some one ignores u then leave them a side

    they only realise ur absence

    if a person doesnot understand ur silence then he will never understtand ur words

    nothing wrong from ur side

    good luck try this

    and ur not at all mental

    and dont be depress

    smile plz then life will wave a smile at u


  6. Hey there is nothing to worry. I had same feeling 2 years back.

    Try to take things lightly if u r dejected or humiliated or just avoid them.

    First of all start loving yourself more. Spend more time with the things u love.

    Control ur depression or else u feel lost in this world dear frend. Listen to ur favorite songs or watch ur favorite movie to cut down depression. Keep a smile on ur face always this makes others to like u.

    Dont worry U will be alright. Don start thinking negatively ok.

  7. First listen to one thing..... Try to love urself... don't be rude..... Enjoy urself being alone.. everything will be alright...

    Have fun

    Ur's Don.......................

  8. Try to find a different outlet for your anger and frustration. Draw or write or something to express what you need to. When you finish what it is you need to get out of your system, sleep on it and wake up the next day with the intention of going through the day happy. You need to learn to tolerate more, make it so the inadequacies of everyday life work to your advantage. You make the day, the day doesn't make you. If you choose to SEE it in a good way, no matter what might have happened, you will overall be happier.

    So in summary, take your stress out in a civil way and keep a positive outlook. It sounds hard but it's worth it.

  9. Hello

    1.Every thinking man is a mental

    2.Try to have superiotity complex

    3.If you duck,people will knuckle your head

    4.Start reading good literature-in mother tongue or english.Books are not only friends but also counsellers

    5.Stir out of the house as much as possible.  The world is a great book in which those who never stir out read only a page,

    6.Do some thing creatively--sing,draw painting,handicrafts etc etc.

    7.Dont be alone for a long time,except when you are with a book

  10. m also depressed don worry try to b happy

  11. First find something to do - Get busy

    If you are a student focuss on your studies - otherwise on your job

    Try to find the reason for your unhappiness - not the superficial reason - but the source of your problem

    Share your problem with someone who cares for you

    Understand that this is a temperory situation - Both happiness and sorrows are part of life and are a cycle with one following the other

    Meditate or do yoga

    Do an activity that you enjoy doing - sing, listen to music, declutter your room, read, visit friends, teach a child - do it in small steps - slowly but surely -make yourself useful

    Surely you will come out of this deppressing state - We all get depressed due to so many things in life - we just need to recognise it and come out of it. The best way is action and movement.

    Good luck

  12. Don't worry, please visit

    and do as directed for j*p regularly,

    everything will get fine.

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