
Am I getting ripped off by Pay Per Click??

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I have this new website ( and I have registered it with Yahoo & Google. I am getting lots of clicks from them but no sales. It is costing me a lot of money to register with them with pay per click. How can I get real traffic to my site without paying a lot of money. I am affraid my online store is going to go down them tubes and take all of my money with it if I don't find a short cut FAST!! Also, Has anyone heard of




  1. Hi,

    There are many ways to market a small business on the web.  You can buy banner ads, text links, or use PPC.  However, the best way is to get listed in a bunch of portals. Portals and directories are like phone books, and they often provide a lot of traffic because they tend to rank high on Google.

    This portal is giving away a free business card holder for lising your business (I got mine a few days ago in the mail).  If you want to know about some other portals, just let me know.


    Best of Luck

  2. Hi

    I've used Google adwords in the past and found it really expensive. The problem is to get good keywords you have to bid high. Maybe you need to really think through your keywords and come up with less used keywords that are cheaper - and use as many as you can.

    TrafficSwarm is a really good Free Advertising site. As a traffic surf system it provides good quality targeted traffic, unlike many traffic surf sites where there is no interaction by the viewers and people's ads just float by quickly without anyone taking any notice of them.

    I get lots of free website visits through TrafficSwarm.

    Here's a link to them:

    Good luck to you.

  3. I just looked at your site and I had to poke around till I found an item for sale, it took me 2 clicks from you home page.

    First off, if your PPC is targeting bracelets, it's too broad. If your targeting Toggle Bracelets and you drive that specific ad to your Toggle Bracelets page then they might buy.

    I noticed your domain is masked which mean as an end user I don't see the URL path to the specific page.

    That means I can't book mark and most likely the search engine spiders can't index properly.

    I agree with the frame comment as well, for your ecommerce site I would suggest a content management system that spiders well such as Joomla or better yet... Wordpress.

    As for Orange Soda, they look a bit expensive just from poking around. If you have a quote from them, I would be happy to counter that quote. I personally consult SEO, SEM and PPC, you won't deal with an account manager like the big firms.

    Visit my site if this is of interest, I have a free white paper that can help you with some small bussiness concerns regarding online marketing and s****.>


  4. Well if you are getting clicks from PPC and not getting sales your first step is to analyze your site and web copy to figure out why folks are not buying. You are speaking about conversion here first and if your site can't convert a customer it doesn't matter how much traffic you get paid or organic as no one will buy. I'd look at redesigning my site also to get rid of the frames you are using. Search engines don't like frames. That's a no-no for SEO.



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