
Am I getting there? (Workout result with pic. included)?

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I was just wondering if I am getting there? Or am I still to skinny and need to eat a lot more and work out more?

My body (photo taken yesterday):

My right arm (photo taken last month):

I can see the lines of the pecs but it is somehow not that obvious. What more can I do? And I have uneven arms. My right arm is tend to be a lot bigger than my left arm but I do arms' workouts evenly. Why does this happen and what should I do about it?

And btw do you guys see any abs? I think I've got four pecs already, but they're still not very apparent. And I've been eating a lot and with high protein and have been working out since last September, but not continuously.

Any answer is appreciated.

Thank you guys!




  1. I see some pec development in the first pic.  

    Without knowing what your workout routine is I can't really tell you what you need to change (if anything).

    I'm glad tho that you know the importance of proper eating.  Diet is very important.  

    I'm thinkin just off the top that you need maybe to increase the weight and go fewer reps.  You might put on more mass more quickly.

    ADDED:  I agree with "Prof. Icy" below too.

  2. You've made a good start and you seem dedicated.. that's what it takes...

    As for uneven development we all seem to favour one side to the other... break up your routine to use dumbells as well as bar.. or work one arm at a time on the machine.... and always load evenly.

  3. It sorta depends on what you started with and exactly how often you've worked out since September.

    Compared to my skinny body, your body has a “healthier” amount of fat enveloping it (which gives you a model-type body, in contrast to a marathon runner's). So no, I wouldn't say you're too skinny, but you do have a noticeably leaner figure than the average male your age. Now, when I said "leaner," I meant less body fat, not including muscle.

    You definitely do have a bit of muscle definition, and it really shows in your arms. But your abs and pecs need to keep up with your arms.  Don't worry though. Abs and pecs aren't exactly the toughest muscles to build, and I can tell that you already got a head start!

    It's completely normal for your dominant arm to be slightly bigger than the other. That's because your right arm is used and worked more often than your left (in activities other than exercising). Same goes for left-handed people. You don't need to do anything about it. Nobody will notice unless they closely examine both arms side-by-side.

    Drinking protein shakes is a great way to get that extra protein you need for muscle growth. Especially if you're finding it hard to eat enough during the day (like me).

    I wouldn't worry about being thin while you're young. It's WAY easier to maintain a lean body working your way up, than it is to get big now, get even TOO big later, and trying to work your way down.

    You can email me: stealthblue007 at yahoo dot com.

  4. kl;'

  5. its different for everybody

    just consume as much protein and low-fat food as you can and if you are have more weight lifted with less repitions.

    remember always have a spotter.

  6. sounds like you are dedicated which is what most people lack

    I honestly need to start working out again and get dedicated lol

    however, that is your left arm =)

  7. You have a NICE body. It sounds silly, but I would soo prefer your body over a more muscular one, that's just me. I like it ;)

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