
Am I getting too obsessed?

by Guest64645  |  earlier

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I recently got a Macbook and I am at boarding school currently. I am supposed to be using this Macbook until college and I am just a freshmen in high school right now, so I'm really trying to take good care of it. I clean it every chance I get with a wiper and screen wiper, but when people start picking it up and moving it and touching it everywhere, I get angry and defensive. Lately, people have been spitting all over it, touching the screens, etc. and I feel that it's not going to last as long as I want it to. Am I getting to obsessed with the well-being of my computer? If you have any advice, please help me out!




  1. No you are not.  Why are people spitting on your computer and touching your computer to start with.  I went to boarding school too.  Your personal property is yours and they have no business touching it.  I think you need to report this because it is going to get out of hand and someone is going to end up breaking it.  They are doing it because they are being rude and vicious.  REPORT THEM.  You are just taking care of something you care for.  I wonder how they would feel if you treated their personal property how they were treating yours?  But you of course are above that, so report them!!!

    Good luck!!!

    Peace & Love  :)

  2. No...Your just trying to look after so it lasts the duration...I wouldn't let anyone play with it either!

  3. No, they are rude to be touching it, soon enough they will learn.  At least you know how to take care of things that cost a lot of money!  Spitting on it!  Punch them!

  4. dont let anyone else use it

  5. I don't think that you should overreact when people pick it up, move it or touch it. You should, however draw the line for those people who are spitting on it. That is just sickening, and you would be right to get upset over something like that. Don't be so concerned over the exterior of the Macbook. Just be generally careful with it (ie - avoid dropping it). If you want to take care of it, concentrate on keeping it free from errors and other problems that occur which could make the laptop run sluggish. It's not worth it worrying about a tiny scratch you might spot.

  6. keep it in a shoulderbag/notebook bag and on a short leash... why are these people spitting on it?? How would they feel if you spit on them at random? This is appalling! Good luck to you.

  7. I would be putting it in it's carrying case when it's not in use.  They can be damaged so easily and if others are spitting on it, then I think it will be damaged very soon.  Did you buy this yourself?  Usually that is when we are more aware of how things are handled and taken care of then when our parents or someone else buys it for us.  I would just put it away when not in use.

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