
Am I giving my pregnant guinea pig too much vitamin c? Why doesn't she drink much?

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I bought her about 4 weeks ago and the pet store told me she was most likely pregnant. She has gotten sooo fat recently and she's always hungry but she doesn't drink much water. Is it because i feed her veggies that have water in them or on them? Every 2 days I make her a salad with kale, carrots, cucumbers and red peppers. She wants it daily but i'm afraid I'm going to make her sick by giving her too much vitamin c. I am pretty sure I felt a baby move in her tummy today, and her nipples have gotten bigger so I'm more than sure she's pregnant so why isn't she drinking much water?




  1. the moisture from the fresh food is supplying her with enough water. you are not giving her too much vitamin c because guinea pigs are low on it, so they could use it. and congrats on the new piggy mommy  

  2. It could be that the moisture in the veggies are reducing her need of water because that is how some animals in the desert survive: eating cactus.

    I'm not too sure that it is being caused by you giving it vitamin C.

    I hope that your guinea pig feels great and good luck with the baby! Hope this helps as well!

  3. I don't think you can give her too much vitamin C. Go to for the best info. Veggies have a lot of water in them to begin with so she may just not be thirsty. Perhaps a trip to the vet would be best.

  4. I don't think it's possible to give a guinea pig too much vitamin C.

    They need it every day in their diet as they are un-able to store it in their bodies.

    Guinea pigs aren't known for drinking large amounts of water as yes, they get alot of the water they need from the veggies you give them.

    I hope this helps a bit.

    And I'm so happy for you if she really is pregnant, how exciting!

  5. She should be good cause mine since u give SOOOOOO many JUICY veggies, itll take awayher need for water.

    It gets REAL creepy when you get to SEE the babies move!

    But ya she will start to act wierd when she goes into labour like mine was digging through her bedding and chewing alot when she went into labor. She will DRINK when they first start to drink from her.


  6. Pregnant guinea pigs shouldn't be moved around too much just in case you hurt the babies.

    As long as your piggy has water available she should be fine :) One of my guinea pigs drinks almost a whole bottle of water a dat the other barely drinks anything - but if you are worried a quick trip to the vets should help put your mind to rest!

    Good luck with the babies!

  7. she is prob. not drinking water because if u r givin her all those veggies that gives a lot of water and vitaim c so dont worry but if she stops eating the veggies and she is not drin water then u might get worried

  8. have you read ?

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