
Am I giving myself ADD or am I just desperate?

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For months now my mind has lost the ability to concentrate, focus or paying attention on anything in my life other than the anger and stress I've been suppressing since childhood (I'm 25). So I find myself losing sleep every single night on websites typing in questions for anger, stress, anxiety, depression, narcissism, superiority/inferiority complexes, PTSD, anti-social behavior, addiciton, you name it, to try to find answers, since every day I feel as if I'm dealing with some combination of these. It's come to a point where at work I have to be told how to do something hundred times even if it isn't that hard, and that's NEVER happened before. I often forget where I'm going or what I'm looking for. I'm forgetting names, places, events. I often zone out during the day and my vision gets blurry. I drift off into my own little world. My body has a feeling like it's grieving. Tonight I made a pot of coffee but forgot to actually put the grounds in the filter. Basically, I've become an angry basketcase, but in obsessively searching online, have I caused this attention problem, or am I just desperate for relief/




  1. ii dont think you have a.d.d

    i think you have some sort of depression with anxiety which ***** up ur ability to concentrate, and when ur emotion get or have gotten too high it can make you dizzy and stuff

    also, its possible you may have post traumatic stress disorder, if you tend to replay past traumatic events in ur head over and over again

    perhaps try reasearching these disorders, see if they seem like you and def. go to a therapist to work out ur issues

    if you bottle everything up, it'll just get worse

    good luck  

  2. No . . . NO! NO! .  .  . Um,. . . .You may have always had ADD and now are able to identify what it really is.

    I suggest you ask a professional and reframe from diagnosing your self. . . . Based your description . . . It seams like your overwhelmed and might be having a breakdown. You might want to talk a brake from what ever your doing . . .  

  3. First off I will tell you that if you have been suppressing anger etc since your childhood,then you need to seek a professional councelor

    Suppressing something like that or holding anything in is not good and definatly not healthy..

    2ndly,,stop searching the internet and playing the "whats wrong with me" game,,in doing so you can find so many things,and many different clues that are "exactly" the way you feel or whats going on that you mind can  and will play tricks on you.

    You cant give yourself ADD

    and it sounds to me like the root of your problem is just all the supressed feelings - you have held them in for soo long and now you have some depression because of it

    so get to a councelor,,they can set you up to see a psychologist and you can go for therapy and work out all those feelings and get on some medication for the depression for awhile if thats whats needed

  4. Maybe you are obsessing over it that is where the problem may be, have you considered doing yoga or some kind of relaxation therapy. When our minds are focused on something it becomes part of our every day thinking.As for your anger maybe you should focus on the positive side of life rather than the negative

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