
Am I god? Are there any other conscience minds in existence?

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How would I know? Any signs I could look for? Sometimes I feel like I'm god and this life/you all are part of some elaborate imagination/dream. Is there any way to tell?




  1. Good question man! I know where you're coming from!

  2. Please don't run for politics, or try to start a superior race...or grow a small moustache.

  3. you are God and once you have started to ask the question you've started on the journey to realisation of your true powers that are bestowed upon you and yes there are other conscience minds in existence they are called crazy, you've probably met some of the same that I have as well

    peace out Godman!

  4. Certainly you're not !  When you ask, you know there are some other conscience minds outside yourself and they are not god(s) too...

  5. I think we are all God. Its kind of like with ants or bees, God works like a mind, and we are the braincells. God is not  an individual.

  6. The conscious mind is the awakened mind.  And the Awakened mind is the Enlightened mind.  The Enlightened mind is the image of the Universe.  Where everything is temporal in state that only truth is the truth of your own personal experience that you exist.  Conscious and curious to be aware and seeking this is the proof and all you need to know to understand that you and the universe are one and the same.

    Collectively as a whole, joined with other sentient beings, seen and unseen, born and unborn, in the ten directions of a given space we create the super conscious or the universe.  One is equally important to the other, no higher and no lower beings, because the Universe is conscious that all are equal and one and the same.

    Right now you are a Buddha in the making, much like all sentient beings, and equal to Buddha.  If one says that he is higher than the other then it defeats the idea of being great because there is egoself involve.  One should be empty yet full and full have to be empty to stay in state of awakened and enlightened mind.

    You are now conscious and seeking, and you are a step closer in becoming an awakened keep it up.

  7. Are your muscles glistening in the moonlight while being massaged by your model girlfriend right now?  If not, theres a chance you are not God.  In all honesty, If you were the only thing in existence, how would you explain learning new things without actually experiencing them first.  Or getting caught off guard by surprise.  Or just getting stuck in traffic on the expressway?

  8. Ho ho! Boy, the predicament.... If we were just a figment of your imagination, we wouldn't tell you that we were, would we? And even if you do realize or somehow stumble upon the truth that everyone is imaginary, what can you do about it? Is it even wrong, being part of a nonexistant existence?

    But yeah, I get where you're coming from. Sometimes, it's curiously addicting to think about certain concepts of living, but I find it's best to just think positive and hope for the best, because there are approximately 5,999,999,999 interacting organisms around you, shaping your very existence and future.

  9. yes, you are God. We all are. Start asking questions in the affirmative as you go along. If you lose something say "I know where it is" let it go you will intuitively go to it or get a picture of where it is. Start listening to spirit which communicates symbolically. If you ever want coaching on this e-mail & let me know. You are on a sacred journey. You must integrate your spirit with living in the phsycal though. When I had the realization I was God i stopped concerning myself with money & balance is important.

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