
Am I going anywhere in life?

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I'm a fairly intelligent individual and I have high hopes. My parents are not poor, but they refuse to help me pay for college. My only hope is financial aid and a job. I'm going to be a junior in high school and so far my grades have been high B's and low-mediocre A's in honors and AP classes. I just bombed an AP collegeboard exam which means that I will have to take the class over again in college. More and more, it seems like it's going to be community college rather than a 4-year school. My parents have no mercy because my brother and sisters all made it and my oldest sister is already practically filthy rich from her success. I have test anxiety, and I got a 1 out of 5 on my AP history exam when in the actual class I got like an 89. I'm feeling really low and depressed about all this lately and need a realistic picture of what I can expect.




  1. You can still go to college. If you don't get a scholarship then you could take off for a year after college & work then when school starts again, you'll have enough money. Over the summer, while you're still in school, you could become a counselor if you don't want a real job yet. :]

  2. dont worry about what your older siblings do. you are not them. you are you. your parents should be more aware of this as well. and they should not assume that just because your brothers and sisters did one thing that you have to do it too.

    do your own thing. dont let what others think or do get in the way of what you want. like your parents expectations, or your sisters success. it seems that they make you feel like you have to live up to a standard. and for you it is a hard standard, not that you cant or are not good enough. but relax, find your own standards.

  3. Try your hardest not to worry, and don't over-study.While you're studying for a test take a quick break, grab a snack or something.Keep your hopes up. Opportunities are always avalible and waiting. Do some quick research on scholarships. I've heard they give some out for the craziest things such as for being left-handed, tall, etc.And don't think you're not good enough, because you're not as successful as your siblings.Your best and your hardest work will still get you somewhere. Being a "little" successful is still success. Try as many AP tests as you can.Be glad that you're acually making it with pretty good grades in those AP classes. I have friends who bomb just about EVERYTHING in our AP classes.It's a miracle they haven't been kicked out.Just don't down yourself. Obviously, if your parents think you can get to college by yourself, they see more in you than you do.You have more potential than you think.Just keep trying and keep your head up.

  4. Hey I when through college, by myself.

    My parents WERE going to pay for it, but I refuse & I didn't even apply fro scholarships, I wanted to earn it all by myself, my own skill, yes it was hard but I will do it the same, if I could do it again.

  5. well here are some of my thoughts cuz i'm going to be a junior next year myself, although my parents have offered to help pay a little bit my first 4 years, but not my 3..b/c i'm going to school for 7 years i'm pretty sure. You won't be the only one with financial aid and a job to pay for college b/c most likely that'll be me too as well as taking on some student loans, which can suck but can be helpful depending on where you want to go not to mention scholarship ( opportunities can also help. As far as the grades and test taking goes have you thought of getting a tutor or taking some classes regarding test taking?  I know your parents won't pay for college but what about that? Also, maybe even talk to your counselor or if you have a college and career person at your school. I'm sure you'll do fine, just have to plan it out and stuff. Check out this page if you want it talks about paying for college and stuff and i'm sure there a lot of other sights like it to help you know your options.

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