
Am I going blind??? Please, help.... :( ?

by  |  earlier

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It started a few days back, although it's been months I've been having vision problems like double vision and feeling like I'm crossed eyed at times (but I'm not)... now, my right eye is getting blurrier and blurrier........ I work on the comp many, many hours everyday for my job (yes, everyday).... I use a laptop (very low radiation)...Im honestly just guessing the cause.... is this normal?? will it just go away or am I going blind in one eye??




  1. More than likely your eyes are over-taxed from overuse.  Have an eye examination to determine if you need corrective lenses.  As another answerer stated, our eyes are not designed to focus up close all day long.  Compare this to going to a gym and holding 5lbs over your head.  It is easy for the first few minutes or even for an hour or so, but eventually the muscles will get tired and weak and 5lbs starts to feel pretty heavy.  The eye muscles get tired in much the same way.  Your eye doctor can prescribe a pair of glasses to help take the strain off of your eyes while reading and computing.  It also helps to take a break every 20 minutes or so and look across the room.  Artificial tears every so often help to refresh them.

  2. this is something that needs o be checked by a doctor although it could be cause for eye strain i dont want to be quick with a diagnosis because i do not know all the details or how bad it is i would recommend going to a doctor mainly becuase of the progressively worseing condition. as well not to alarm you or anytihng but some vision problems and twitchign are often early signs of a brain abnormality/growth.  dont wait it out please see a doctor immedately

  3. The twitching eye is the main symptom to be looking at, secondly  "many, many hours"... Youre stressed and your not taking care of yourself. The human body was not meant to work at a puter for many many hours, looking at small print.  Increase the print on the screen and get rid of any glare. Then go to a vitamin shop  (not walmart or GNC) and find a good vitamin  specifically for your eyes and dont miss a day taking it. Take breaks and and eat properly. If you smoke or drink pop (even diet) or energy drinks or salty foods, you are constricting your blood vessels and therefore causing eye problems.

  4. you need to go to an optometrist or your doctor and tell them the symptoms and ask for their advice. i wouldn't let it go on much longer because it appears as though this has been an ordeal that's getting worse and worse. so go the first chance you get to see someone.

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