
Am I going crazy?!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so about a month and a half ago I was really depressed and didn't really care what I did to my body as long as it helped me feel good so I started experimenting with welbutrin. I had already been smoking weed also for a while. I decided to pop two welbutrin slow release tablets just to see what would happen and about a half an hour I had an anxiety attack if thats what you call it, my entire body tensed up and I felt this shock of fear and just this horrible feeling shoot through my body making me jump. Lately ive been getting weird like episodes where i feel dizzy and seeing color change, things looking like their moving around and having weird mood swings and my pupils changing sizes without the light changing. These things are happening to me usually about once to twice a day and I know I ****** up with the drugs but is there anyone else experiencing this, or who has any advice. I appreciate it




  1. I don't do drugs but  your body and mind are going into shock

    because of your experimental drugs. The Humane body  was  not made to absorb hard drugs and strong alcohol. This intake of drugs are just too much, for the proper functioning of your body, and your weird experiences  will continue until you decide to seek medical help.

  2. After a bad acid trip in my mid-twenties I started having very frequent panic attacks for about a year. I thought I was on the verge of losing my mind (I mean that literally). They became progressively less frequent after that. It took about 5 years until they became rare. Now when I feel one coming on I can usually squash it before it goes full blown. I'm not sure how. I will it away somehow.

    As for your dizziness, color changes, etc... I don't know. Try to find an EMPATHETIC doctor. It will really help.

    God Bless ... Hang On  

  3. As a ex panic/anxiety attack sufferer I can completely relate to your problem. I had my first ever panic attack was after consuming way more than a healthy amount of cannabis. The best thing to do is go to your Doctor and speak to him/her about seeing a psychiatrist. They can see what triggers these symptoms and try and stop it. Also thinking about these syptoms will most probably make them worse because you are fearing the anxiety attack and therefore thinking about the anxiety is making it worse. If you want you can email me and I can give more advise on how to completly stop these. It may take time though. These are not some thing you can stop over night.

  4. It's the danger in taking drugs and mixing drugs which will cause this, i've taken many different drugs legal and illegal, mixed and matched and some i've take with alcohol.  I've ended up in the hospital twice...and my mental state at the time was that I didn't care what I did to myself or my body and I never thought of what this was doing to my family...and my depression was heavy on me, the darkest and scariest moment that I have ever felt...I was so scared because I had no more internal feelings or positive emotions...but this was only a temporary situation that passed that could have left lifelong problems with my body and health....So what you do now with your body can haunt you for years to come, just be careful with your body and give your medications a chance to work, but mostly give yourself a chance to beat this by doing the right things even if you don't feel like it...Ur worth a fighting chance aren't you? You have every right to feel good but you to know this first.  Good Luck with this, and if you start feeling depressed or suicidal start talking with ur parents and friends, these are also normal feelings that might come up...whatever you do, seek help just like you have by asking this question...never think ur alone...wishing the best for you....tony

  5. I don't know enough about medication to know if you can have withdrawal from something you've only taken once, but the dizziness is a common withdrawal symptom from antidepressants. My other guess - are you having more panic attacks? I used to have panic attacks and they are different for different people, but feeling dizzy is a possible symptom. I put a link for panic attack symptoms.

    As far as the pupils changing size - are you looking at yourself in a mirror when it happens? Because I think that's totally normal when your eyes are trying to focus on something. It happens to me all the time.

    I hope you'll take good care of yourself and see a counselor if you're feeling depressed a lot.  

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