
Am I going deaf in my left year?

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday me and my friend went to the movies and it was pretty loud in there so I closed my ears really tight with my finger. When I took my finger out I couldn't hear out of my left year. (My right ear is fine though.)

A little while afyer I guess it uncloged a little but when I woke up this mornign I couldn't hear out of my left ear again!

Do I need to see a doctor?




  1. You might.  It's probably ear wax.  Take some olive oil (yes, really!) and drop about five drops in the affected ear.  Leave it sit for about 10 minutes - you might need to lay on your side to keep it in your ear - and then use warm water to rinse it out.

    If that doesn't help, you may need to see a doctor; they have high pressure ear canal cleaners that'll blast any ear wax out of the ear canal.  But try it yourself first, since a lot of times olive oil and a little warm water is enough to soften the wax and clear it out.

  2. My first suggestion is to make your ears pop.. see if that clears up anything. If not.. then go see the doc, you may have earwax, or something clogging it. I am pretty sure its not that bad. But go get it checked out to be sure.  

  3. i would go see the doctor as your having a prob it could just need cleaning by them, or the loud noise could have perforated your ear drum. get it checked.

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