
Am I going overborad for my daughters First birthday party?

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Well, our daughter will be a year old in two weeks. I am putting together her party. She is having it at Pizza Hut, which I think is a good idea, because our two year son lovesPizza Hut and hopefully, it will not make him feel like the spot light is on just her. We are also buying him a present. I had a friend telling me I was going over board because I am giving our daughter a princess birthday party. I found her a little fake crystal tiara at wal mart for seven dollars and a princess dress and a princess cake and going to prob spend fourty dollars on her present. My friend said the crown is going over board! Am I going over board with this? I had a VERY bad childhood and I want my children to have the most memorable memories and happy times than any child could experience! Thanks for replies!




  1. I do not think you're going over board! Do you mean that it's her first birthday, or her first birthday party? I kinda got the feeling it is her first birthday party, and that is a very special thing! If it's her first birthday and she is turning one, I do think you are going over board. It also depends on how old she is. If she's not old enough to appreciate it, you may be going over board. But like I said, this is a big thing for a kid and you are just making it that much more special! I'm sure she's going to love it!

    The only bad thing is that if her first birthday is amazing, she may expect an incredibly birthday party each year, forcing you to spend more and more. Hopefully not , though. Have fun at her birthday!

    Sorry about the first birthday thing, I didn't notice the first sentence!!

  2. yes you are going over board but every 1 dose that for a 1 and a 2 yr old. By 3 they have so much stuff you stop spoilng them. And your children are 1 and 2 they wont rember anything of this. Its up to you I dont know of any 1 whom hasnt gone over board for a 1 or 2 yr old for my neices first bday my sis even invited a few ppl we all hate cuase she knew they would bring good presents for maddy. Enjoy.

  3. lol... yes, it is more for you than for her, but for this 1 day, who cares? have a good time & wish your family luck!

    *note: wouldn't buy the other child a present though. as someone said earlier, he will be fine & has to learn. there's no time like the present.

  4. This is not going overboad.  Its your child and your money.  Its fine if you want your children to experience what you didn't.  Besides it only one day.  You don't do this everyday, do you?  It sounds like your friend is just a bit jealous (buy her a tiara 2).

  5. Well, you're not going totally overboard, but I don't think she's going to remember it. But you shouldn't do something for your son to, because he has to learn that it's your daughter's special day, not his. And the spotlight should kinda be on your daughter for that day, because it's her birthday.

  6. do realize that you're doing this for you and that she won't really care or remember it (except in pictures later on) don't have to give her things to make her childhood good.

    You can make her a cake and put on a princess dress at home and she'll be just as happy.

    Also, having your son realize that it's her special day is not a bad thing...make his fun part about picking out a special little gift for her.  

    Do not buy him a present's not his birthday.  You don't have to buy him things to make him enjoy it...he has to understand that you can have a good time without being given things.  You're setting a bad precedent there...unless you want him to learn "where's mine?".  You'd inadvertently be teaching him greed.  He doesn't need to get a present to have fun.

  7. she wont remember it except in pictures!!!!!!!!! instead buy everything to make pizzas and do it at home with ur family!!!!

  8. no i think that sounds like a great idea!

    i always get a present from my grandparents when its my sisters birthday and vice versa, so thats a good idea your doing that it creates a sense of equality and totally rules out jealousy lol. just make sure you dont give them a big  party every year though, they might get used to it a get a bit more demanding about parties ha. but yeah sounds like a cool party, maybe your son could have a couple of friends to join so he doesnt feel too left out =] have fun!!

  9. Can you remember when you were one.  Probably not!!!  Confess, you are doing this for you.  And, that's ok.  Your two year old son most likely will not remember it long either.  But you will have the pictures for your photo collection.   Have fun.

  10. Let's see now, you're having one child's birthday party at a place where another child enjoys....on top of it this all for a first birthday?  I certaily wouldn't go to all that.  Number one, more than likely the child will get fed up with all the fuss and become cranky and miserable.  Secondly she has no clue what is going on and it will probably only confuse her, making her even more cranky.  All I ever did for my kid's firsts were cake and ice cream and invited both sets of grand parents.  We have some great photos of a happy baby.

  11. That's so sweet of you...just remember to take lots of pictures, because she won't remember it (but pictures are always great)!  Don't listen to the other people.  Remember, they are your children, you are an adult, and you can raise them as you see fit!

    As a warning, though, my son fell asleep in his cake at his first birthday!

  12. yes you are going overboard.  Pizza Hut? For a one year old?  Every one-year old party I have been to was at home, with just family and very-close friends of the parents invited.

  13. Minus the budget on it, and the crown bit, then you'll be fine. It's her birthday, understood, but you don't want her to be spoiled later, and not appreciate things like you did. Good Luck! :D Oh, and Happy Birthday!

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