
Am I going through a manic phase...

by Guest32321  |  earlier

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I haven't been myself the last week or so and I'm wondering if it's something I need to see my psych about. I've been shoplifting and it isn't something I've done in the past, at all And I feel bad about doing afterwards.. My insomnia has come back full force. I can't sleep to save my life. I've had these strange burst of energy where I feel like I have to yell and hit something to get it out. This isn't like me I'm normally numb and depressed but lately I've felt off. My psych just recently added Abilify to my Paxil. Could it be because of the meds or what?




  1. This is definitely something you need to see your doc about. Abilify is a mood stabilizer, and therefore should prevent the hyper-manic phases that anti-depressants alone can trigger in someone with bipolar disorder. However, in your case, it sounds like you are having a reaction to one or both of the medications, and you should definitely talk to your doctor about it. He may want to change your medication or the dosage that you are taking.

    You might also benefit from counseling, as this can help you find the root of the problem that is causing you to want to cut yourself. Self harm is often a physical attempt to relieve emotional pain, and it can be very dangerous, and certainly embarrassing when people ask where all of the cuts came from. Please try to talk to your doctor about this.

  2. Sounds like you're on a rollercoaster.  I've totally been there.  It probably is because of your medication.  Ask your doctor if you're not bipolar just to make sure.

  3. My bipolar friend started taking Abilify and he got totally manic from it.  Stay away.  He was sweating a lot too!  He bought so many things on impulse and he drank like an alchoholic.

  4. Something as triggered your behavior.  At least you recognize that this behavior is not normal.

    I would suggest that you RUN, not walk to an appointment with your therapist before your behavior gets any further out of control.

    Good luck.  

  5. It very well could be the meds that they just started with you if you werent feeling this way before.A journal is a great idea to help you and your therapist keep track of what your going through.I would call your therapist asap and let them know whats going on.Best of luck and take care.

  6. It could be the Abilify.  My bf was on it for a few weeks for his bi-polar, but was extremely anxious and not himself.  When he told his doctor about this he said that Abilify has a tendency to bring out the manic phases in people with bi-polar.  He lowered his dose and now it's much better.  But don't just stop taking it, talk to your dr. and see what they say. Good luck.

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