
Am I going to be made fun of at work?

by  |  earlier

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There is a girl my age (25 years old) at work who I think is cute. I wanted to ask her out and I had never talked to her before. She is really pretty. She works on the other side of my floor in a cubicle. Yesterday after lunch I walked over to her cubicle and said hello. She said hi back. I said "Um, can I kiss your foot?" She looked at me weird and asked why I would want to do that. I told her cause I thought she was pretty. She giggled and said that would not be a good idea. I turned bright red and got out of there really fast. I was really embarrassed. I don't know if people at work will be talking about it or not. I am worried they might make jokes.




  1. Who cares if they do, don't worry about what people think. If they make a joke at you just laugh it off with them. If you act embarrased they can hassle you but if you laugh at yourself then they'll feel stupid.

  2. they will make fun of it.,just ignore it or them

  3. hahah thats hilarious... kissing her feet hahahaha

  4. perhaps you shouldn't have told her your foot fetish details quite so quickly... ;)

    or you should learn to flirt better...

    after she'd said no, you should have asked if there was another part of her body she'd rather have kissed... ;)

    this is a learning experience... :D if you get people asking to have their feet kissed, say yes to the women and no to the men... :D

    use it to YOUR advantage... ;)

  5. maby, if the people like teasing other people.

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