
Am I going to die if I buy a motorcycle?

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I just looked at ride2die website or whatever and I'm freaked out! I just bought a motorcycle today and was just browsing some answers on here when I saw a link for that website. Let me just say I am freakin' frightened. I am a beginner rider although not completely new. I bough tan old EX500 and I don't plan on getting on the freeway with it. Also, how much will it cost to change the tires? They have cracks and stuff, no tread and seem really dry. I need to drive it from my house to the motorcycle shop. Thanks everyone.




  1. Are you going to die while riding a motorcycle?  Well it can happen if you are thinking about everything else but riding your bike.  You have to be really defensive and pay attention.  That website is freaky, but MOST not all of those pictures and videos are of folks who did not wear protection, drove like maniacs and were doing something that they shouldn't.

    As far as the tires go. Get them replaced soon and don't drive on them.  If you can get a friend or coworker who has a truck or trailer to take the bike to your local tire shop do it. Don't take the chance.

  2. We all die from something, Slim.

    Shop for your tires, here.:

  3. Yea you will definitly die especially if you try to drive it to the shop on those tires.

  4. You may well do so if you try to ride on those tires. Take a rides course, never drink or load up, don't speed,  think for the other driver and you'll be fine.

  5. wouldn't you rather die while doing something you love to do, other than die when ur not

    we all have to die someday, its better to die happy

  6. So you saw the site.  Good!  Did you happen to see the information at the TOP of the site?  You know, the REAL information that could save your butt?  Or did you just go there to see crash pictures?

    Did you take an MSF course yet?  Do you wear FULL GEAR on every ride?  Do you practice swerving and braking often?

    Motorcycles are NOT dangerous.  They are inanimate objects that can only respond to rider inputs, nothing else.  So whether you live or die is completely UP TO YOU.

  7. First off, if you lack confidence, you need to start out slow.  Obtain the proper safety equipment, helmet, jacket, boots, gloves, eye protection, etc.  If you've not taken a rider's course at the local community college or where ever, then do so.  Second, AFTER getting the bike completely checked out and repaired up to safety standards, make short trips in areas where traffic flow is both light and slow.  As your confidence builds, you can venture into other areas and increasing your ride time.  Get a 3 quarter helmet that will cover most of your head and allow max visibility if you feel that will help.  When you ride, scan areas up ahead for obstacles and other vehicles, and project the line that you will follow with your tires.  As your confidence builds, your riding enjoyment will as well.

  8. truck/trailer the bike to the shop,dry rot can blow your tires out at any time.

    youre going to die regardless of what you do in life,might as well be enjoying yourself when it happens

  9. New rider?

    Get a 2008 Ninja 250R

    Look great

    And perfect for beginners

    They get good gas millage

    Wear protection and be careful when you drive

    And tired can cost around $300-$500

    I would get a 250 bike though

    Good luck!

    Have fun!

  10. go to a school, best place to learn riding.  The police stuff was always fun, but course you have to be a part of their force in the first place.

    Are you gonna die?  Well yes,, unless you know something the rest of us don't.

    Go to a bike store as well, they will be able to tell you the best local places for a fix.

  11. yes as soon as you sit on it it will explode taking you and your entire family out... or you can realise YOU bought it in the first place and ride...ride like theres no tommorow, at the bikes top speed of 85mph down hill with the wind at your back with God on your side enjoy then get a R1

  12. If you ride both smartly and defensively, you have a much better chance of surviving and enjoying your ride.

    As for the cost of tires, there are many different brands and models.  The prices vary greatly as does the labour costs of mounting and balancing those tires.

  13. Everyone dies eventually. Why not on a bike I guess.

  14. ride around the neighborhood, wear a helmet, and dont ride it  during rush hour or friday-saturday night (drunks r out) untill ur feel good, but it isnt u who gets in trouble, its always the other driver not looking;...

  15. There are three ways to die on a bike 1)  You drive like an a$$wipe, 2)  Other drivers don't see you which is a result of #1, and 3)  You drive drunk (also see #1),

  16. yes, but you'll die if you don't buy one too.  everyone dies

    the tires are dry-rotted, don't ride on them.  get a trailer or a buddy with a pickup to get it to the shop

  17. dont ride there your tires will just crumble, you will die though if your an idiot, when you ride just dont think its a raceway

  18. If you think riding a motorcycle is something you really would like to do then go for it!  I would recommend that you take a "Motorcycle Safety Course" usually sponsored by your state under the Dept.of Motor Vehicles.  My wife and I took the course back in 2005 it has made us very aware and conscious of the road and motorcycle defensive measures the rider needs to decrease the chances of being in a accident and that's what we have to rely on.  Other than that make sure that you were every protective gear that you can tolerate for your protection in case of a accident.  Wearing this protective gear will dramatically increase your chances of injury and survival in the unfortunate event of a motorcycle accident.  As for your tires do yourself a favor and rent a trailer or find someone that can transport your bike to the motorcycle shop.  Why take the risk of a tire blowout.

    Hope this helps and hope you can enjoy riding your motorcycle and please be safe.

  19. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...

    Notice the number of thumbs down this answer has received -- that's an indication of just how frightened motorcycle riders really are of this actually happening.  You can meet actual people to whom this has actually happened at many long-term care facilities (old-folks homes aren't just for old folks).


    the purchase won't kill you.

    seriously, dying is not what you should be worrying about.

    you should be thinking about what happens if you survive the accident.

    here's what your life will be like:

    Someone has to lift you out of bed every morning and dress you, carry you to the table and spoon feed you.  If you can take solid food, that is.

    Someone has to carry you to the toilet and hold you there so you won't fall over.  Then clean you up afterwards.

    That or else somebody will have to change your diapers.

    Somebody will have to bathe and dress you.

    But it won't be the least bit fun, because you have no sensation from the neck down.

    Maybe, someone will take pity on you and take you places, so you can observe the life you are missing through the windows of a vehicle.

    Day after day after day, the same routine.  You might come to enjoy watching Jerry Springer and Judge Judy every day.

    Have anyone in your life right now that will take on that chore?  If it's somebody you care about, is that the life you want for that person?

    And, forget about s*x, that part of your life is over.

  20. Its a possibliity. take an AMA approved rider course, practice in low traffic areas and work on good Karma

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