
Am I going to get a ticket in the mail?

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I'm in Texas, near Houston. This happened last Friday on my way home from work. I stopped at a red light behind another vehicle. This intersection is photo enforced. As soon as I had come to a complete stop I saw the camera behind my car flash. Noone could have run the red light because all the other cars were stopped. As far as I know I didn't do anything illegal. am I going to get stuck with a ticket for something I did and didn't know it?




  1. No,your not going to get a ticket.If you didn't do anything wrong don't worry about it.

  2. Are you sure that flash was a red-light camera?  I've never seen one use a flash before.  That would be blinding to drivers and annoying to pedestrians.

    The camera would have to show evidence of you breaking the law.  If it doesn't, you get to make fools of them in court!

  3. Probably not...The photo taken behind you will show that your brake lights were on and that all the vehicles around you were also stopped and their brake lights would also be illuminated.

  4. I hope not. This is another example of big brother looking over your shoulder. You shouldn't have to sit and worry, full of anxiety over whether you did anything wrong. It's just a revenue generator for the city. Personally, I think it's unconstitutional.

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