
Am I going to get drafted in to the military?

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With all that's happening in the world today with Israel, Russia and Iran I'm starting to wonder how real the possibility of me getting drafted is? I am of age. I am registered.




  1. Getting to be more and more possible. But I doubt it will happen, even if it should. Politicians today just don't have the intestinal fortitude to do what must be done.

    That's why we will allow Russia to destroy Georgia and watch all our other Allies back away from us.

  2. Have no fear the military will not be drafting anybody in the near future.  We are proud of the fact that we have an all volunteer force and although you hear a lot about military recruiters having a difficult time making quotas we will never in the foreseeable future have a real issue fielding a force.  

  3. Not going to happen so just relax.  If you are that worried and don't want to step up to the plate if your country needs you I suggest you leave now.

  4. Very unlikely, but it is always a possibility.  There is always a benefit to having a totally volunteer military.  I suspect that if a major war breaks out, there will be plenty of people signing up on their own accord.

  5. Even though it might happen but it would be very rare. Since we have a lot of volunteer in the military,so I really doubt it.

  6. There is no draft anymore. Our military is entirely volunteer.

    Although if Obama wins, you may have a reason to fear a draft. All the previous draft bills in the recent decade were written and sponsored/cosponsored by Democrats only and have no exemptions for gender or college. Anyone who is 18 to 26 is draftable, male or female, in college or not. The only exemptions are for prior service and those enrolled in military academies like Annapolis or West Point.

  7. Israel will probably attack Iran during Obama's inauguration speech and the resulting chaos might prompt Obama to want a bigger military (did you know that it was Carter who reinstated draft registration during the Iran Hostage Crisis).  Funny that it was a Liberal Obama-like Democrat, History usually repeats itself.

    I suspect that after Israel attacks Iran and we do nothing, all of our enemies will realize that they can do whatever they want.  It will make me very happy to see Obama try to talk his way out of that one.

  8. Hopefully if you are of age you are registered. It is your civic duty to be and it's illegal NOT to be. The US will more than likely never reinstate the draft and if they do, you should be more than willing to acknowledge your call of duty. Are you married? Do you have kids? Are you in college? If you are married and/or have kids I could understand your hesitation. If you are in college they will not draft you. If you are not married, no kids and aren't in college then what's the problem with being drafted?

  9. Worry not. You probably wouldn't make it anyway.

    There will be no draft..........

  10. If the U.S. went to war with Russia there would have to be a draft to replace the dead and wounded same with Russia.

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