
Am I going to go crazy? What should I do?

by  |  earlier

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My life is such a mess at the minute. I've no job, no money, I'm living with my family who I'm not getting on with at all, I've distanced myself from most of my friends, I'm in debt, I don't go out, I'm over-drinking, I'm in love with someone who doesn't & never will love me back. It's got so bad now, I've got so desperate lately that I've been thinking of turning to drugs or something that will just get me completely off my face, which is something I'd NEVER do at one time. I just want something to block it all out & stop it hurting & the desperation & all the crying...just something to take it away. I'm worried that it's all gonna drive me, proper crazy. I don't know what to do.




  1. Since i've been going through the same thing i'm going to say absolutely to your first question. And the short answer to your second question is alcohol. The long answer is don't seperate from your friends cause they'll at least keep you connected to some aspect of living. I feel like i'm at the bottom rung at this point. I can't get a job because of my depression. I can't get a girlfriend or s*x and have since discovered that even if I did it wouldn't even be fun for me, I sleep 8 hours and still feel tired, i'm not eatting as much anymore and i'm losing weight. Just alot of c**p and the only thing that's keeping me somewhat alive though is occasionally hanging out with people, so don't lose it. Otherwise I really don't know how I can help you.  

  2. I go through something REAL similar... I'll be your friend. I'd love to talk to you!!

    Email me;

  3. You need to find some friends - even one by one - who you can trust and who you like and who will tell you the truth. You will eventually become, in character, like those people that you hang out with. And if you only hang out with yourself, you will probably make yourself more and more depressed without an outside source of distraction and help.

    From my own personal experience, many of my friends go to church. They are friendly and accepting and often they are wise.

  4. Woh Think of getting a job first not just for the money but for getting away from some of the things upsetting you, if not a paying job then volunteer somewhere, it will make you feel better about yourself then actually working or volunteering somewhere will lead to something else because if you dont work its hard to get work but if you have an occupation (even for no pay) then opportunities will open up. If the problem lies with you or your attitude you may need to talk to someone that can give you proper advice and that could mean listening to and taking the advice. You may need a life change, if your not happy with your life then change it. Wake up in the morning and think hard about what you can change today, then do something about it. DO IT  

  5. It completely understandable that when nothing seems to be going right and we are in emotional pain that we want a magic pill to take it all away.  Unfortunately, that doesn't work long term and will probably make matters worse. You seem to know this or you would have tried something by now-we all feel this way at some time or another. Your biggest area that you should focus on first is getting a job-then you can get out of debt, move out, get away from people you don't like, build back your self esteem. This is your life, even handicapped people don't let life go by. Your only excuse is in your head.  Get your act together and stop depending on other people-I am sure you will get along better with people around you when you step up to take responsibility for your own life.  

  6. You need to keep yourself occupied to stop you thinking about things. Thinking too much about all the c**p is what makes you get worse and worse. See a doctor as soon as you can and try and get involved in stuff like voluntary work. Try and get a job, this will help with your money situation and keep your mind occupied. By interacting with people and keeping yourself busy will aso reduce your drinking and you may even meet someone that wil love you back. I hope things work out for you :-)

  7. You have too much going on.

    You seem very depressed, and really need to see your Dr.

    You are not crazy, but if you continue in this dark place, you will only get worse. You need to sort out things, one thing at a time.

    This is why I said go to the Dr, ( or Mental Health), and see about going on an anti depressant 1st and formost. This will improve your mood, boost your energy, and really, really help with your anxiety.

  8. You are very fortunate.

    You need to think of the positive things that you have going for you.

    1st You have not scummed  to drugs, in this day and age which is very easy to do.

    2nd  you can read and write which millions of people in the world are unable to do.

    3rd You are living with your family millions of people are living on the streets or have no family.

    4th You are in love with someone, this should be enough incentive to want to earn the respect of the person you think you are in love with. or the millions of people who are in this world who are craving for love?

    Now if you have a drinking problem ? Fix it.Then get a job no matter how poorly paid. I hope this has helped in some little way GOOD LUCK.

  9. Oh man, I'm sorry to hear that you're having this many problems right now.You are definitly *not* going to go crazy, stop that thinking like right now. Next, please don't do anything that could hurt you or you're well being, no matter how much it might seem it could help, cause it most deifiantly *will not*. On a lighter note ( I think), I know others have probably told you this already but, I think things will only get better as soon as you have a more optimistic look at what you have in this state of - desperation? I know it must sound insane to ask this of you when you have already given up on yourself, but you do have something to pick yourself up of you're face as you put it, ( forgive me if I'm sounding a bit harsh!) Even if you know it or not. For one, even though you made it clear you're family and you could get along better that you do right now, at least thier there for you even if it dosen't seem like it. For one they, (took you in?) when you needed them. And if this will motavte you because I think it would if I was you, mabye you could try to pick yourself up to make that person you love see you happy and doing well, maybe they'll have a change of heart? I'm sorry if that upset you but I'm not really sure how to help, but I'm sure you can handle this even if you don't belive in yourself at the momment.I hope that you can bring yourself out of this and see how happy you can be once you give yourself the chance to be.

    With the upmost sincerity,


  10. Ginger is right.  First things first:

    1- Make an appointment with a QUALIFIED psychiatrist.  Discuss taking antidepressants.

    2- Make an appointment with a QUALIFIED psychotherapist.  Go to therapy once a week until the antidepressants kick in (1 month) and until you have made significant progress in dealing with your current issues.  This can take anywhere from a few months to years.  It is a worthwile process, believe me!

    3- Stop drinking.  Especially if you get put on meds, you cannot mix the two.  An ocxasional glass of wine is ok, but no benders.  As far as taking illegal drugs, if you think you've got problems now, just wait t'ill you're also a paranoid, moody, drug-addicted freak no one wants to be around!  You might end up in a hole you can't dig your way out of!  Plus, you said you have no money, drugs aren't cheap my friend and pushers don't have a sense of humor when it comes to debts!  

  11. Since friends may take more emotional commitment than you are up to right now why don't you go to a professional counselor?  This person could listen to what is bothering you and offer you some advice that will actually help you to get out of the pit you are in.

    You do not want to turn to drugs because that is the surest road to h**l on earth that you could ever find for yourself.  Alcohol will do the same thing for you too.

    Your problems are not insurmountable, even though it feels like it now, and many people have gone through the same thing you are feeling right now.  You are not a freak and you are not alone.  

    Sometimes ministers will offer counseling to people also (usually for free) so if you know one it wouldn't hurt to ask.

    The suggestion about seeing a doctor for anti-depressants was really a good one too.

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