
Am I going to kill myself? Binge drinking mixed with antidepressant medications?

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I know this is how heath ledger died which scares me. I am in college and love to go out and party hard with my friends. I also though take xanax, zoloft, and zyrtec. All of these medications say do not take with alcohol on them but i do anyways much excess. Am I going to end up killing myself or do other people do this as well?




  1. it's pretty popular to take xanax and drink, and it's not good for you, but unless you take too many, it won't kill you.. unless you get in an accident, which is very possible.  Doing xanax and drinking gets you really messed up, and it's easy to make a lot of mistakes while you're that drunk.  zoloft and booze shouldn't really do you any harm but I'm not positive.  zyrtec I don't know about.  

  2. This is a deadly combo and you have good reason to be scared! You may get away with this 20-30 times and the next time 1 or 2 drinks could do it.

    I am not saying this to be dramatic I am completely serious. Two of these medications affect your heart rate and respiration. Two of them are central nervous system depressants. This means they  have a slowing effect on your breathing and pulse. Alcohol, with Xanax and Zoloft has a potentiating effect. This means that alcohol increases the effectiveness of these meds. Virtually making them stronger.

      How much does it take to stop your breathing or your heartbeat?  Please don't find out!

    If you know you are going to be drinking at least don't take these meds the same day as you drink. Better yet, take your meds as prescribed and don't add the alcohol.

  3. Man,. am I behind the times! I though people went to college to get an education!

  4. Yes,other people do that as well especially the famous Kurt Cobain..Alcohol + Antidepressants=Recreational Drug..But doing this kind of stuff put yourself in extreme danger..I will not say anymore because it kinda hard to explain but try reading these...

  5. Why the h**l are you drinking if your depressed! Which you obviously are since your on the meds! Alcohol is a depressant which only messes you up worse, especially with binge drinking. Maybe you should stop killing brain cells and appreciate the fact your in college and getting something important from it.

  6. yea, you shouldnt mix those two together they could end up being a deadly combination

  7. More to the point it stops your medication working it doesn't make the drinking better! I did that when I was younger and no idea why I was a wreck :p

  8. I don't know about the zyrtec, but I can tell you that drinking while on anti-depressants can affect you. My experience has been that I get drunk much faster and I seem to want to drink more. I never used to feel sick the next day until I started taking antidepressants.I also notice that it can make me feel a bit down and anxious for a couple days afterward.The drinking and Xanax are probably not the smartest. It also depends on your dosage. From what I have read he was on some pretty high doses.  I don't drink at all anymore, because I couldn't handle the way I felt afterwards.

    You never know though. It can just take one time of "party hard" drinking to put you over the edge.

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