
Am I going to loose my teeth?

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I visited my dentist a couple of weeks ago (admittedly the first time in four years) just for a 'check up'.

However, he informed me that I have advanced gum disease for my age (37) and that some of my 'pockets' are 8mm deep (the gap between the tooth and the gum). He took some x-rays - I'll find out the results when I go back next month to see the extent of the damage. I'll also be having a 'deep clean' which he insisted I should have in order to try and 'stabilise' my condition.

Since my visit I've been brushing my teeth religiously, flossing and using a mouthwash twice a day. The bleeding's stopped but I'm really worried that this is too little too late and that I may start loosing my teeth within the next few years. My smile has always been my best feature :(

Can anyone give me some insight?

Thanks x




  1. From your description, you have Periodontitis-an inflammatory disease affecting the tissues that surround and support the teeth. Periodontitis involves progressive loss of the alveolar bone around the teeth and may lead to the loosening and subsequent loss of teeth if left untreated. Have your perio treatment / 'deep clean' ASAP.

  2. Hey don't worry. From what I observe, you only tend to "loose teeth" when you're over 50, and that is if you haven't brushed properly since. You're only 37, and from what you mentioned at least you have checkups (even if it's been 4 years), others never do.

    The "gum disease" is likely mentioned abt bleeding gums. I had this when I was younger, and the "deep cleaning" is what stabilized the condition. The deep cleaning session is a MUST, and you have to stick with your schedules. If the ortho tells you to come back every 4 mos, you must do it. Later you'll have to come back only every 6 mos, once the condition gets better. Everytime I got deep cleaning, the bleeding would stop and my gums and teeth are visually 10x better-looking (almost getting a whitening!).

    Deep cleaning will be bit painful but your ortho will ask if you want local anastesha (sorry for the spelling) or not.

    Good luck!

  3. Your doing the best thing. Get the deep cleaning done and keep up with the good cleaning habits. It isn't set in stone that you will lose your teeth. But do be faithful with dental cleanings and your own personal hygiene.

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