
Am I going to lose it with these???

by Guest63952  |  earlier

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Questions! Am I the only mature woman and mother that gets physically ill from reading and answering these questions from children about being pregnant? My God, are parents not teaching or supervising their children? I am serious, I want to go puke! They can't even begin to understand s*x as "s*x"....AH! What do you think?




  1. I love to lend a helping hand...haven't you heard of the phrase...each one teach one? or heres a better one!!! It takes a community to raise a child??? Someone has to pick up the slack!!! Sometimes there is just no where else to go and it may feel better to the kids to ask a stranger than their own parents... lets just hope our kids arent on here!!!

    ps this is giving me contractions, lol maybe the thought of answering these questions will help me go into labor!!! hahaha...ouch!

  2. I'm completely with you this one. I guess it's just an attention getter for them. It to me doesn't make them seem like a grown up but a very immature child. They have no parents around that care enough for them to pay attention when something isn't right. I have a daughter and I would kick her butt if she comes to me at 14 or 15 and tells me she is pregnant. She better wait til she is married. They just don't realize the responsibility that comes along with a baby..

  3. I agree. Some younger people who come up here weren't taught about s*x, pregnancy, stds, and bc so they come here to ask a lot.

  4. I know what you mean. But if they cant turn to their parents itsnt it better for them to get advice from someone who can help and will educate their children? I know I will educate my son in 12 years or so... (he's 2) but if they cant ask their parents or someone they trust, then why not come to where knowledge is power? I agree that they need education on s*x and all the consequences that come with it. But, they have to turn somewhere. So its better they find someone who doeant know thme or their parents and they trust. Us moms are the ones who need to help these lost children... am I wrong?

  5. No, you are not the only one...It is a bit sad how uninformed they's scary...but perhaps we were there once as well!

  6. I think it is obvious that only some of the kids are getting s*x education from school and almost none are receiving sexual education at home. Many of the girls on this forum do not have a mom to ask. Their mother is either not around, refuses to acknowledge that the daughter is sexually active or refuses to help with birth control options if she is around. It is a sad state of affairs when young girls feel their only option is to become a mom, before they have their career training in place, marriage or a committed partner. Just skip over the questions if they are really bothering you. The teens need someone to talk to and obviously there is no one at home. Best wishes, G

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