
Am I going to make a 100,000k with my 170 august 5 puts on fed"first federal"?

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Am I going to make a 100,000k with my 170 august 5 puts on fed"first federal"?




  1. If you have to ask Yahoo prob not. I think you may profit but you are a bit late to the party, you only have one month for something to decline by near 40%, you will need luck to pull that off, (and thats just for break even)

  2. I think you're a little late to the game. If you went bearish maybe this time last year, especially on the financials, you would be rich. But a lot of these banks have already lost 90% of their market value. For instance, Indymac Bank is trading at around 60 cents now, and it was $40 last summer.

    So, I don't know how much more to the downside you're gonna get, but it definitely not looking good at the moment.

  3. You own 170 august 5 puts for FED?  With the price of the underlying at 8.04, you'd need it to drop significantly in the next 46 days in order to make any money.

    100000 / (170 * 100) = 5.88, so the price of FED would need to be close to zero (or negative) in order for you to make 100K.

  4. Right now they are out of the money.'s not looking good.

  5. Could you please translate that into UNDERSTANDABLE English........ I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT ---  170 august 5 etc does not make sense...

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