
Am I good at skating?

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Ive been skating seriously for a a year to a year and a half. I can shove it some times 360 shove it, front side shove it, kickflip, almost hardflip, sketchy heelflip, sketchy varial, 50-50 nose slide. Any experienced skaters out their, is this good? Any comparison between your experiences is welcome.




  1. well to be honest its not that good for a year and a half, it sounds like u rarly skate or use it mainly as transportation than for tricks. not that it sucks but u should definatly be farther than that. bigspin, plasma spin, big flip, tres, inward heel. most people learn varials after a few months of skating, but then again skateboarding is about having fun so if u have fun doing those tricks i supose ur good


  3. if u can do all of that,ur a good sk8r=]]who doesnt like a good sk8r?!=]]

  4. Dam ur good! keep skatin!!!

  5. dude, the way i look at it, as long as you dont expect to make it a career, and if youre having fun with it, it doesnt matter.

  6. You are really good. Some people dont get each trick really fast, but it sounds like you do keep skatein.

    Hope I helped

  7. dont listen to almostzeros man you doing very takes some people years to learn what you do.....i had everything you had at about 6 months but probably I have a natural talent for skating but dude i have been skating for 5 years man your doing great keep your head up and have FUN................FUN IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING....without it you will not improve quickly..but your doing good keep on keepin on
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