
Am I good poem writer?

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I am 13 years old and have ALWAYS loved writing poetry i just wrote this one a couple days ago because of some stupid girls

Ugly, fat, beast, and to tall

You can call me those things but it wont make my world shatter and fall

Im comfortable with myself and don’t care what you think

Im fun and girly and love the color pink

I might not weigh as much as Nicole Richie or Kate Moss

If you don’t like me, well that’s your loss.

We might be related, we might look alike

But we are both fighting a different fight

We are two different people that fight all

The time. But the truth is I love him like

Lemon loves lime. He doesn’t understand

What I’m going through, I think we should

Walk in each others shoes. I don’t think he

Knows how much I love him, and how much

I would miss him if he was gone. I would do

Anything for him, except mow the lawn. I will

Always be the big bad sister but I love him no

Matter what and you better know that mister.




  1. The emotions are honest. The rhymes flow very naturally. The rhythm is good. And you have a great sense of humor. All this interests me enough to invite you to email me. But you gotta mow the lawn first.

  2. wow your really good, especially if your only 13, keep up the good work, i like it how you talk about real problems :)

  3. yea, i could never do that lol
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