
Am I good? video!?

by  |  earlier

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at sitting the canter and transitions?




  1. Theres just fish pictures and fish video

  2. are better than the camera person   :0)

  3. first off- to maney k...umm, no. i live on long island and if you're under 14 its illegal not to wear a helmet. also, stop bragging that you do dangerous things. i've been ridng since i was 5 and now i'm 15. and i still wear a helmet. don't think you're cool because you don't...because you're not.

    but anyway, as for your question, you couldn't really tell. the video was very dark and short and all it really looked like you did was sit back and tap the hind end. so its not really good or bad.

  4. Yea! You're very good!

    I could never do that (I would fall off) lol

  5. I didn't really see a transition..I saw giddy-up and go....but so did the picture..really hard to comment with such a short clip.

    If you plan to run barrelsor just ride..I guess it is ok.  But for more serious riding like pleasure you are going to have to be a little more discreet in your aids.  And your arms flap too much.

  6. sure but why are u wearing a helmet when i ride horses i like never wear a helmet. i have been riding since the age of 4 and i get threw off my horse alot and i dont wear a helmet lol it is fun to get bucked off. well yea u really look like u know what ur doing

  7. yep

    your're pretty good

    where did you learn to ride?????

    do you have horses????

    i could never do that

    i would fall off as soon as the horse started moving

  8. You sit really nicely, but your transition is way too harsh. You need to relax your body a little. Let your arms relax. You are locking your body. Also a judge in the show ring would not be too impressed with you immediate transition if it was because you whipped your horse right away. You need to give them a chance by using your legs and your seat more. Lighten up a little on your contacts to make a gentler transition. Also get a whip or crop instead of using your reains because using you reins agitates your horses mouth and he looks like he is running from the bit which isnt graceful or fun. Your canter needs to be a little softer and easy going. So remember these things: Relax your contact from shoulder to hands, lighten up your seat, use more of your leg and refrain from whip, use whip and not reins, collect and slow your canter. You are on you way, though! Good Luck!!!

  9. You look really tense. Unlock your elbows and relax. I couldn't see much (you were only on camera for a second), but you need to sit deeper into your seat and use your arms like levers.

    The transition was a bit sudden, but other than that, okay.

    Good luck!

  10. You could sit a little deeper in the saddle, you seemed kind of stiff. Your horse has a cute canter, too.

  11. ur pretty good... just remember to post
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