
Am I hallucinating or did Mo eat Mikey's bogey BB9?

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Please tell me..... I did not just see what I just saw!

I have just urged ..........

Jeez God... all those that say this is a low form of tv, I think I might just agree with you!

Yuk, yuk, yuk!





  1. Yep, he is now called Bogey Mo.

    Disgusting or what.

  2. You did see it

    So did I and I have been violently sick

    Its put me off BB at the moment


  3. yea he did he was hungry i guess lol  

  4. You SAW it, he shouldn't even be called 'Greedy Mo' any more, preferably Vile Mo, the guy is disgusting.

  5. I agree absolutely disgusting .... I gagged and had to turn away from the screen !!!


  6. He is the most de-grading housemate of all time, what desperate guy would eat someone else's bogey for a can of beer, what a sell out.

  7. The man is the lowest of the low and I feel sorry for any of his family sat watching that.

  8. Mo took it too far this time that was just wrong

    answer mine =]

  9. Unfortunatly NO

    Greedy Mo has gone tooo far! Eating someones bogeys for Cider?

    Ughh I actually feel sick haha

  10. Gross!  Why did Sara give Rex such a stupid Truth or Dare to do?

  11. Why why why why why do you all keep watching this trash???

    Someone eating somebody elses snot? Takes that rubbish show to a whole new level of depravity. Ugh.

  12. Regretfully you're not. That was the most disgusting thing I have seen, I can't believe how close I came to chucking up. There is something seriously wrong with him if he thinks that, eating any bogey, let alone someones else is a normal, acceptable and healthy thing to do, especially for a can of cider.

    With that single act he has just ruined his life, how the h**l can anyone view you with any respect, or in a positive light after that.

  13. He's a dirty, filthy b@stard. His poor family must be squirming at his antics

  14. i lost all respect for him  

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