
Am I haunted?

by  |  earlier

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Ever since I was four I have always lived in what seemed to be haunted houses. I have seen things had things happen to me. I am extremly sensitive to this stuff. I know that there is something there the minute i walk into a room. And its not everywhere. Infact it is very seldom that I feel something somewhere. I dont hate this but it does hinder me every once in a while. Do you think im haunted? Even now, we moved into this house a little over a year ago, nothing seemed wrong with it but the other day i caught an EVP on my camera and I have seen something in my living room at night. I am not scared of this stuff, in fact i love it. I love investigating places. But i feel i am the one being haunted.




  1. battle....That's why I keep telling people not to go looking for spirits. It's not because I don't believe they's because I know they do....and can cause some people a lot of trouble. And some people's nerves aren't up to handling it.

  2. it is all in your mind. lol. but seriously, i had a friend who visited a graveyard at 12:00 midnight. he was never the same again. he had to under go some kind of de haunting or something. some technique to purge you from unwanted spirits

  3. First, don't be afraid of your ability. Learn to fine tune it. Your not hanted you just have an ability you will see increase as you grow older. Learn how to use this to help others.

  4. what did the EVP say??? anything you could understand?

  5. Sounds like we are the same!  I tell people that I am a ghost magnet because they seem to find me.  I have wondered what the deal is,  and why doesn't this happen to everybody.  We built this house about 8 years ago and all ready have a few ghost hanging around.  There are a lot of ghosts out there and a lot of people like us too.

  6. EVP is electronic voice phenomena, so it's something else you caught on your camera.  I don't think you are necessarily haunted as you might think.  It might be that you are sensitive to your surroundings and therefore, are able to see and sense things.

    I'm glad you're not afraid of it, just make sure that you respect that not all spirits are benevolent, keep your guard up.

  7. A wise man once said, "There are no such things as haunted houses, only haunted people."  I don't know whether or not this is true, but I have experienced nothing to contradict it.

  8. there's nothing wrong with your special senses, as long as it doesn't scare you embrace what you have.

  9. Some people are just more intune...

  10. i dont think you are haunted.. instead you are psychic.. so spirits can sense that you are psychic and r attracted to you.

  11. If you want to be haunted, you probably will be.

  12. i don't know alot of that kind of stuff, I am however fascinated by it, and i am happy u have that gift. Learn to fine-tune it and i do not think  u are haunted. i think u are a ghost magnet, though.

  13. I don't know I'd never been in your house :)

  14. No! Many people are like you. Put a tape recorder in a room that nobody's in, a couple nights and see what you get. evp's. It's not that scary if you realize they are always here. They just come and go at times.
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