
Am I having eyes problem?

by  |  earlier

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- I can hardly read signs when I'm far from them.

- I seem to be always softly dazzled, even when the light is low.

- My vision seems to be like vibrating when I'm looking far away.

- My eyes hurt when I'm on my computer, reading text on white background.

- Yesterday, for a few seconds, I've been unable to focus on what I was seeing. In other words, I was seeing what was in front of me like if it was out of the corner of my eyes.

What is wrong with my eyes?




  1. could be an eye problem or high blood pressure---or sugar--see a doctor

  2. Go to the optometrist, but it may not be that your only problem are you eyes. It sounds like you might need to eat more often, or need to get your blood pressure checked. I'd make a call to the doctor.

  3. welll.sounds like a trip to eye doc is next........

    may have near-sightedness........

    also,have your glucose checked.......

  4. you definitely need to go see your optometrist.  sounds like you may be near sighted or may have astigmatism.

  5. "Am I having eye problems?" - YES YOU ARE!

    Distance blur = short sighted or astigmatism or high levels of long sightedness

    Mild glare, vibration,  computer related pain = tired eyes

    Loss of central vision = possible migraine

    These are absolute mildest things that could be wrong with your eyes. General stress and poor diet could also be contributing.

    Go see an optometrist ASAP

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