
Am I having seizures?

by  |  earlier

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... When I'm about to fall asleep, or am dozing off, I suddenly...can't move. I feel paralyzed; I can't move my arms, legs, head... I can't breathe right, and I have to breathe really hard through my nose. if I stop trying I feel as if I'm falling asleep or knocking out, but I know something is not right, because I stop breathing period. My eyes either cross or they roll to the back of my head, and the only way I can "get out of it" is by shaking my foot, which is, for some reason, the only thing I can move. Sometimes I have a very strong buzzing in my ear. Afterwards, I sill feel incredibly drowsy and if I try to fall asleep, it happens again. When I stand up, I'm dizzy, and I'm drowsy the rest of the day, or at least very depressed. My doctor says it has to do with stress, but it happens when I'm about to fricking RELAX and FALL ASLEEP! THE h**l???!!!




  1. umm, seeing a docter would defenitly help lol i know that you've heard it alot, but really, you might want to consider it. :) hope you get better soon!

  2. I would suggest seeing a different doctor right away!!!

    or go to the e.r.

    it sounds very serious.

    good luck!

  3. second opinion!!!!!!  

  4. I have the same problem.

    it has stopped though :D

    You are lieing down, and u suddenly go through this faze, where it feels like you are vibrating, but ur paralyzed, you want to move but u cant. You can't even scream, or talk. Its a very scary feeling.


  5. Oh, there was a show on this. I am 99% sure you have it.. i forgot what its called!!!!! im so sorry. The show was called waking up in the morgue or something

  6. Oh my god!  You should go to the hospital or see your doctor immediately!

  7. It's night paralysis.. it's a problem with the nervous system.. you should get yourself checked out by a professional doctor, I know of a few prescription drugs that can be given to you to ease these night pains and morning drowsiness.  

  8. I would certainly get a second opinion from a doctor that's not going to resolve to saying that those symptoms are due to stress.  Please go to another family doctor and perhaps he or she can give you a referral to a neurologist who can send you for some test to rule things out such as an eeg (electroencephalogram) which tests brain waves and can diagnose seizure disorder, a cat (computerized axial tomography) scan of the head and other routine tests.  I would agree that if having those symptoms now, go to the ER.  Just fyi that the eeg doesn't always show seizure activity even if that's going on, but a test called a Qeeg is supposed to be more specific and is called 'brain mapping'.

  9. Yes. I would definitely get another opinion on that.

    If it happened at another time... say when you actually are asleep, it could be fatal.

    go straight to Emergency and refuse to leave until someone gives you a better diagnosis than stress or at least tells you how to make it go away.

  10. i would go to the hospital. something that keeps you from breething is definately an emergancy. if they tell u its stress go to a physiologist

  11. yeah, this has happened to me. its called night paralysis. do you sleep on your back or stomach? its less likely to happen if you sleep on your stomach. heres some info...

  12. Try sleeping with your feet and head elevated above your heart or maybe aroma therapy. It may be the accumulated stress through out the day that your doctor is talking about and you need to avoid the cause of that stress.

  13. try going to another doctor!

    hope it gets better

  14. i thought i had some problems too. and im only 14 so im not 100 percent sure but i went to a neurologist and they did this test to see if i had the seizure that is most common. what you do is get a partner and get them to time u for 3 minutes. get a piece of paper, hold it with two hands and bring it about 6 inches from your lips and just keep blowing at it for three minutes. while u are doing it, have your partner say random words to you such as "butterfly" or something and see if u repeat it back to her. if anything happens during this such as the feelings u have been getting. go to the doctor

  15. No it's not stress---I've heard of this before...Sleep Paralysis.

    You need to go to a sleep doctor and get this diagnosed and/or treated

  16. You may be experiencing an Absence Seizures. I don't know your age, but usually affect children from age 4-14 y/o.  It comes and  stays about 20 seconds and go. I suggest you see your doctor.

  17. My  6yrs  son  experience  the  same  problem since  his  infancy,I have  consulted many  doctors  and  physician but in  vain.Only  that  he is  undergoing medication known as  tegrital,but still the  problem persist.I will  be  of a great  concern for the best  answer  of  this  question.Pls  doctors  do the  needful.

  18. that sounds very serious

    and im very sorry for the situation you are in....

    but i dont think its seizures...becuase isnt it when you have a seizure you body is like shaking frantically...isntead of paralized.....

    but whatever it is

    its still serious

    and i think your docter is wrong

    there is no amount of stress that should cause paralizatoin

    maybe try a different docter

    im very sorry :[ that sounds very painful and annoying...

    especially if it stops you from if its caused by also adds stress >.<

    im sorry

    hope i helped
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