
Am I her unofficial submissive?

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ok so let me explain the situation me and my best friend play around and smack eacothers asses!! which is fine just an inocent game we used to play!! Now she's become really well should I say dominant over me telling what to do and she spanks me or hits me for being lazy or when she is frustrated for any reason even f its not my fault!! now I have been introduced to this the whole misstress-submissive deal and this reminds me alot of what is going on!! so does it sound like to you that I am her unofficial submissive???




  1. As long as you allow her to keep doing these things you're more or less "official" as her submissive.  If you and best friend are going to play this S&M thing out then make sure you set some ground rules so that nobody gets seriously injured.  It's important in such erotic games to set limits and to stick with them.

  2. the whole thing sounds a bit strange to me.  

    Sorry, but it does.  

    Friends don't actually hit each other.  That's something that people who aren't friends do............believe it or not!

    As for spanking each other and hitting each other on the bum - erm, sorry, but that's just very odd.

  3. It sounds like you have let yourself dominate you like this.  Also perhaps she's just doing it in jest, as a game.

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