
Am I hot anime graffiti ?

by  |  earlier

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(Just led off that way to get you to look.)

What I'm really wondering is: do you listen to music while making artwork? Could you mention your age group when answering? I'm trying to find some appropriate gifts for an upcoming trip. Thanks!




  1. If I am focused on designing my project I cant have any music. I am a printmaker so once I have my design worked out I listen to a variety or music. If I need a pick me up the Ministry of Sound or the Top 40, if I need to mellow I normally listen to jazz (zoot suit), enigma, Cirque du Soleil soundtracks.

    25 -30"s

  2. I'm fourteen, and I always listen to music when i draw. I listen to just about everything, depending on what mood i'm in. If i'm drawing conceptually or realistically, its usually debussy or muse (depending on how focused I am) but if its more abstract, its usually Atreyu or Shinedown.  

  3. i'm 57 and i listen to pink floyd in my studio quite a bit, eagles, and lorweena mckinnet also sometimes hearts of space stuff i listen to the classics too (bach, mozart, etc.)

  4. I totally listen to music when working. When drawing something that's in this world but seems odd (like attachments and the stuff) I listen to old music from the 40's, 50's and 60's. For that, I blame Bio-Shock.

    And yes, I'm 18.

  5. I sometimes listen to music while drawing. It is not necessary though. I'm in my late twenties.

    I hope that helped.


  7. i'm 17 and listen to j-pop/rock when drawing/sketching japanese characters.

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