
Am I in love with him or am I just infatuated with him?

by  |  earlier

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I was in a physical relationship with this guy for 3 months on and off. I got fed up with it since I always wanted more so we stopped talking for a year.

I tried moving on with my life but it was hard since I found myself still thinking about him. Eventually got over him and I started dating here and there but I never found anyone who I click with.

For some reason, I started to think about him again. I started to miss about the times that we had. So I decided to call him to see how he is doing. Surprisingly, he was happy to hear from me and we decided to meet up.

We went to a pub to play pool and catching up on each other. Then at the end of the night we headed to his house to have s*x.

I don't know what to do now because all those old feelings came back. I find myself thinking about him all the time and I fantasize being married to him and live happily ever after. I am scared to tell him how I feel because I don't want to freak him out We haven't spoke for 5 days and I want to call him so badly but I don't want to come off as desperate. He is the love of my life.When ever i see him i get butterflies in stomach.

So how can I win him over?




  1. you were a BOOTY call and that was it.....stop all the fretting....go on with your life....and do not sleep with him again

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