
Am I in the wrong because of the way I think here?

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I have spina bifida and I'm white. Two things I was made fun of from the time I was in elementary school(I went to a predominately black elementary school when I was younger) to the time I was in high school. I don't get teased because of it now, but I still get mad whenever my dad and uncle call people f*****s and d***s because I know what it's like to be made fun of because of being different. Am I wrong for having this train of thought?




  1. No seems as you are a Compassionate Person.  The world needs more of you.  Maybe sometime if you feel like it, you might mention to them that it is wrong to ridicule other people for their differencess.  

  2. No, your not.  Its how you handle your feelings that count.

    Use the energy from your anger about what your dad and uncle say and direct it toward the positive.  Gently and respectively let them know how you feel by saying such things as "I get upset when people  make fun of other people."  

    Remember to use "I" statements. Avoid using "you" statements.  When you state what you believe, it is nearly impossible for someone to dispute how you feel.  These are YOUR thoughts.  Someone who argues this fact with you is simply telling you what to believe.

    I am sorry to hear that you went through what you did when you were growing up.  I hope that  any hardships that happen to you have made you a stronger, wiser, and more understanding person.  That which seems to harm us only makes us stronger.

    God bless.  Go with the grace of God.  

  3. I was also born with a handicap and have been made fun of growing up.

    When my father says rude things about people, I see how immature he can be.  People should take a good look in the mirror before they open their mouth to make a mean comment about someone else.  Best Wishes to you.

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