
Am I in the wrong for feeling this way?

by  |  earlier

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So I was surfing the net and a website came up with a pic or some girls chest, right...And I was like "whoa her nipples are huge" and my bf says "yeah right her **** are perfect" knowing that a comment like that would bother me. I'm a jealous person I guess and it makes me very uncomfortable to think of him looking/being with/ talking to with and at girls... And we just had a talk about cheating and jealousy between us because he's going to college in a few weeks and im scared he may hurt me. Am I wrong for having hurt feelings about the comment he made?




  1. Look, I said I was sorry.. Im glad we finally got over it :)

    vote for me baby, ;)

    I love you!!

  2. your feelings are normal. the dating world can be a harsh world, remain positive but always be prepared to get hurt. You get hurt, move on meet other people, learn from your experiences & life goes on. Enjoy your relationship now & don't fret about what might happen in the future :-)

  3. its like you seeing a hot guy and saying "wow his body is perfect!" you think he's good looking but you have no intention to acton it right? your with your boyfriend but other people are still attractive.

    with the college thing, evaluate how long you have been with your boyfriend and if you have any reason not to trust him.. ? Also what did he say when you talked to him about it? Its good you talked to him about it btw,

    In your relationship you are completely exposed to getting hurt but you just have to go with the flow while things are good. if he ends up hurting yo then yes he's an idiot but if he doesnt then you willregret breaking upwith him for no reason. if your really too uncomfortable then i guess you will have to do whats right for you, otherwise dont worry and try to make the best of the relationship. have fun!

  4. Nah, you can't help how you feel and what hurts you. Plus you have to set boundaries and let people know how you expect to be treated.

  5. he's going to college so I would move on if I were you.  Long distance relationships don't work out.

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