
Am I just being a regular teenager or am I bipolar or something?

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I think I'm bipolar but I don't really have the guts to tell my mom. Here are some symptoms. Just wondering if I really am and how I should talk to my mom about it. At first I thought it was depression but I'm also very happy at times so I ruled that out.

-I eat a lot all the time.

-I have trouble falling asleep.

-I get really angry and ruin my belongings.

-I'm often suddenly sad or depressed.

-I think about death a lot.

-I won't tell anyone anything. Seriously, I get nervous about telling my mom what CLASSES I want to take in school.

-I have a horrible memory.

-I often hate myself.

-Sometimes I want to have "problems" just to feel edgy.

-And [Please please don't hate me for this], sometimes when I'm really angry I go and cut myself without really thinking about what I'm doing.




  1. Bipolar is when you have sudden mood swings in case you didn't know.

    Eating a lot isn't always a problem but It could be.

    Many people have sleep problems you could take pills or see a psychiatrist.

    You could take anger management classes  to help your anger.

    The sudden sadness and depression sounds like bipolar disorder you could talk to a medical doctor.

    The death thoughts could be clinical or psychiatric depression.

    Your inability to share your thoughts with others sounds like some sort of social disorder.

    The memory doesn't sound bad but you could talk to doctor to see if you have some sort of memory disability.

    Self hate could be a self confidence problem to talk over with a psychiatrist or maybe just your parent(s).

    Wanting to have problems sounds like you want to be dramatic or have a sort of demeanor socially due from an unknown source, psychiatric help would be good.

    Cutting could go along with depression problem.

    Don't be afraid to talk to your parents about these problems. Admitting you have these problems is a wonderful step to cure them. Talking to a psychiatrist is a perfectly normal thing to do and can help alot. I hope you can overcome these problems, I really do. Please Email me if you'd like to discuss any more problems you may have.

  2. Think you have some serious problems

    How you suspect bipolar disorder is understandable.

    The name of it is not very important.

    I would find the courage to tell your mom, you can't

    get out of this without some support.

  3. man, i would seriously get help NOW! This stuff certainly aint healthy, and trust me, you can get help. my friend had the same deal, she went to a doctor and shes better now, but the important thing is that you tell your mom and see a doctor...

  4. Holy ****! I think I'm bipolar now!! cuz I feel exactly like that

  5. Your behaviors could be caused by a lot of different things.  What we do know is that you are hurting inside and that you need to get help.  Good for you, wanting to reach out and get help for yourself.  That's a pretty strong thing to do.

    Go to your mom--or an adult at school--and tell them that you need help.  I know that for me, it would be easier to go to someone at school first.  But that's just me.

  6. this isnt bipolarness its depressionn

  7. I'm not sure. You should always be able to talk to your mother. She will understand. Just describe this stuff to her. She may need to take you to a doctor or something.  

  8. Sounds like you should go talk to your Mom and get some help.

  9. Sounds like you could be bipolar but even if you are not you have some issues that need to be addressed. Is there someone you could talk to about getting help? I understand the cutting thing..I've struggled with it since I was 11, but there is hope. You don't have to keep on living like this. Please talk to someone and start your journey of healing. Best wishes!!

  10. There really is a chance that you could be bipolar but you could also have a chemical imbalance. There is also a chance that it is depression, depression can cause mood swings so you can still be happy sometimes but then you just snap. Consult a doctor!


  11. Oh, one here can tell you what's REALLY wrong.  I am bipolar...and I did ALL that stuff...but the cutting is pretty scary. You KNOW you need professional help....and WE can't do that for you.  You have to ASK for help. If you need to talk...see my profile. I will keep you in my heart. Get everyone...deserve to feel GOOD!

  12. omg i dont know if you are bipolar or not but i do every single one of those got me thinking i am bipolar that i think about it coming from someone else it sounds thaat way.....idk let me know wat ppl say

  13. Bipolar is when you go off the hook because of pretty much nothing.  If you get angry or depressed when something bad happens to you then that's normal, maybe you're just an emotional person.

    I think you should talk to your mom about your feelings.  Talking always help and it makes you feel better.

  14. Klarissa,

         Regular teenagers eat alot.  The rest of that stuff - some of it more so than others, are signs that you have an emotional disorder of some sort.  

         The upside is - you aren't the first person in this boat, you won't be the last, and you could be alot better if you had the right help.

         You need to understand 2 things:  You need help.  You are a teenager, and can't arrange for this and pursue it without help from someone older.  

          Therefore - it is very important that you find an adult you can trust and share this with them.  That doesn't mean you can swear them to silence.  That's not fair to the adult.  Once they know the situation, they are morally, ethically, and probably legally obligated to let your parents know.  Therefore - ideally, your mother or father is the best one to go to.   Unfortunately, not everyone has well balanced and mature parents.  That's why sometimes, the very first person will need to be a school counselor or a trusted aunt or someone like that.  They can help you and be a source of strength for when your tell you parents the entire story.

    Good luck


    ps.  also check out  and also, watch "Girl, Interrupted", the movie.  It's about a teenager with alot of issues.  It's based on fact.  She is bad enough to be institutionalized, but then, gets so much better that she writes a book about it.   It's inspirational in that you'll see that you are not alone with your problems,   and that it's very possible and even probable that you will get past them.

  15. You are not bi polar but depressed.  It is tough being a teenager but if you are cutting yourself you need to get help.  You are very frustrated and the anger in breaking your things is not good but the red flag is the cutting.  A lot of the other issues are unfortunately normal.  Believe it or not even the kids you see that seem so self confident and happy in school feel a lot of the same things you do.  Go to the school guidance counselor or a psychologist about the cutting.

  16. I don't know if it's bipolar or not, and I don't hate you but you need to get help with the cutting.

    I know it's hard to talk to people and that being a teenager is really hard and your moods are all over the place, but you've got to get some help.

    If you feel you can't talk to your mom, what about the school counselor?  

    Here's the thing, there are all sorts of resources for you but you have to ask for them.  And believe me, your mom, and the school counselor have YOUR best interests at heart and they really really really want to help you.  You are at a really important place in your life right now, and choices you make now will have consequences that last for your whole life.  It's important that you take advantage of all the help that is available for you to be healthy and build a foundation for a good life.

    Best wishes and good luck!

  17. EMO!



  19. first, STOP CUTTING YOURSELF. seriously. not good. stop. find something else that keeps you busy. like buy a whole bunch of post-it notes..and write something, tear it off, write something, tear it off. get it? find a distraction that doesn't harm you. i think you're depressed, or just at that time in your life where you hate everything and everyone around you. i understand nervous. oh how i do. it sucks. all the time. this might sound stupid and useless, but it works...take deep, deeeep breaths. like what you see the athletes do in the olympics. i have been through what you're going through right now. you don't completely hate that you have those problems because it does give you some pleasure thinking about it. i don't know what causes that..but, it's okay. just don't hurt yourself. you can always call a help line if you really think you're going bizerk.

  20. Sweetie I am not a doctor but some of what you are experiencing is normal feelings and thoughts of a teenager.  You did say a few things that are alaming. ruin your belongings and 2. cutting yourself

    I would have to have more details but a few questions I would have to ask are 1- were you abused when you were younger or are you currently being abused? 2. Do you have anyone you can talk to? 3. Do you have someone that you can trust or look up to? and 4. Can you go and talk to a doctor? 5. Do you take any medicines, illegal drugs, or drink alcohol?

    You have a listed a lot of things that a 13 year old experience when pubitery kicks in and hormones are raging  

  21. There is nothing regular about this behavior, you need to seek help.

  22. bipolar muchhh? you need to tell your mom and get a shrink asap!

  23. I am in the SAME boat...i can't get into life and i feel like i am almost looking at myself from outside my body or i have lost my inner self and it is just gone...guess its the depression.  But really though,...eating binges...insomnia..hating who you are...these are really signs that may not indicate bipolar disorder but certainly do suggest that there is a deeper root to your problems than just normal teenage mood swings.  I would def advise you to tell your mom..and if she doesn't support you or believe you (my family could care less and has no interest in me because they think i am "faking" sick and there really is no such things as mental "illness")...then go to the doctor on your own or tell someone else you trust and can confide in that you know will be willing to help!

    hope this was helpful!

  24. d**n gangsta youre hardcore

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