
Am I just crazy, or is something "paranormal" happening?

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For as long as I can remember, I've seen things (and heard, felt, and sometimes even smelled) things no one else has. My parents think I'm schizophrenic, but a few things have made me think otherwise.

When I was around eight years old, I went to my friend's house. We were sitting on the couch in his living room talking when I saw a cat walking under the table next to the wall. I turned to ask him about it, and when I looked back the cat was gone. He told me he didn't have any cats, and I (thinking he was just trying to freak me out) told him that it was a brown, short furred cat with white spots and bright yellow-green eyes. At this, he looked at me funny and told me that it sounded like his deceased cat Tammy. He even showed me a picture - it was the exact same cat!

This is just ONE of the HUNDREDS of examples… It really freaks me out. And it's not just animals. Ever since I turned ten, I've seen people as well. Does anyone know what it could be?




  1. Your just like the Ghost Whisperer or Medium. You have gifts that might seem freaky but they are very special and you should pursue using them to your advantage but not like ripping people  off or anything, I mean using it for good. Read as much as you can about psychics, mediums, paranormal activity. Anything like that. I think your really lucky, I wish I had that gift. I'd give anything for it, almost

  2. it sounds like you may be physic(spelling) sensitive you would need to do some research to find out how to deal with it.some physics say there are ways to control it and even turn it off when it gets to be too much

  3. You have a sovereignty over eternity-pure king and everlasting glimpses into the hereafter.  The people of this planet were all inside the dark womb mother's,before they became born human's and enjoy this radiant blue planet. Most of us would deny this life, if there was some way we could say so, whilst inside our warm dark mother's,sucking placental nourishment, you are just able to know the future of yourself before you enter the next life, and if you are wise, you will keep your experience's from people who would destroy your gift.

  4. The spirits are sensitive to you. You attract them. They come to you in visions,dreams, illusions because they think you can help or direct them. To where, I don;t know. Maybe back to their  family,maybe they want to let the living know what really happened to them, But they know you can see them ,feel them,know their there. That's why . That's why you see all kinds,animals and such. It's like your the only life boat in the middle of the cold ocean,and their all in the freezing cold water! They know you see them so their flocking to you. Try to learn how you can help them,by asking. Good Luck, your Blessed.Bye

  5. Sounds paranormal. I try not to make hasty decisions, but the thing with the cat would be evidence enough for me. If you see things that no one else does, I suggest you use caution, don't make them think you are more crazy than they already do.

    And it makes no sense to call someone who sees things schizophrenic. That's having multiple personalities, and it has NOTHING to do with seeing or sensing things. Your parents are either very confused or very scared.

    I don't know what to tell you as far as WHAT it could be. It could be a lot of things. But it isn't a disorder (or a drug-induced state as some answerers suggest), so don't doubt yourself. You are the only thing that you can ever be sure of, after all.

  6. NO you are not crazy.  I hope you get a good answer from someone, as I am interested in their answer.  

    I can close my eyes and focus on the back of my eyelids or whatever you see when you close your eyes and then I can see people.  Its never the same people and its always a different situation.  Ex:  A crowd of people walking down the street and I always zoom in on one or two people.  Havent a clue what that is except perhaps just ability to use your mind.  Also I can make myself go into a deep sleep and I leave my body and fly around my house from room to room.  The only part I hate is when I lose focus I go back I go back into my body I have a sinking feeling as well as a very negative feeling sometimes it can be very scarry.

  7. deal with it , now

  8. I think youre on CRACK!

  9. The requirements for a mental health concerns (like schizophrenia) are do you hear voices that tell you to harm your self or others? Do voices make comments on your behavior and insult you? If you are not experiencing these things and are not a harm to your self or others then it is not a mental health issue. There are other forms of schizophrenia like paranoia (the CIA is watching me, the ghosts are out to get me, etc.) but you haven't described these things. I wonder why you were scared of a person that was injured. Do you often run away when a person may need medical attention?

    My best guess is that you have some level of ESP ability.

    Your friend may have been thinking about the cat or you may have sensed the picture (or from a skeptic you may have seen the photo and forgot it and then saw something out of the corner of your eye (often caused by floaters in the eyes) and your mind filled in the image of the cat).

    There are a number of online test/games that you can try, search for the parapsychology association and look at their online experiments section. There is also a book called "Test Your Psychic Powers" by Susan Blackmore (skeptic) that you could give a try.

    Michael John Weaver

  10. I agree with T R.Don't buy into the mumbo-jumbo.There are only two possibilities.You're pretending or you need Medical help.If it's the second I hope these silly people don't convince you otherwise.

  11. No, I don't believe you are crazy nor are you physic. I believe you have been in contact with evil spirits, somehow, some way, and they will try to control you into doing what they want eventually. You need to tell your pastor and if it is a christian church that preaches the Gospel of Jesus, who said we can cast out devils, there are demons all around us, and take on the forms of whoever will let them in. This is a trick of the devil who deceives people into thinking this is a gift that God has given, which can be, But if you can see these dead it is an entity, and as for the man, he disappeared and then ended up on your bed, and

    laughed and left. This is enticing you to believe that you have a special gift and or physic. If you are a born again christian tell them to get out and away in Jesus name. The bible says, Submit to God.resist the devil and he will flee. God does not work this way. Tell your parents, you need to be surrounded by strong believers in Jesus Christ and the authority that He has given us to use. You can contact me if you like.

    Do not talk to them!!! this will encourage them to stay, or keep coming back.

  12. You have a better 6th sense than most people.

  13. nor crazy,not paranormal,only life situations

  14. i have had the same encounters, but not as severe as yours. i never ended up with marks, (i dont think, i always have mystery bruises but i assume thats because of my iron level)  and i cant remember having face to face encounters, but i smell things and hear things all the time.

    the other day i swear i smelled my uncles cigar, he has been gone for about 10 years. but it was his cigar, i know it. i mostly hear them say my name, like they are trying to get my attention. once it was so loud i yelled back "what?", then i realized i was in my car--alone. felt pretty silly that time

    i dont have an explaination for it, i feel like they are trying to get in touch with me but i cant let my mind free up enough to let them through. went to a psychic once and she said, "they tell me they try to talk to you and you wont listen"  i had not told her i heard or smelled anything, that surprised me that she picked up on that

    i hope you are able to learn to harness and read these encounters, but i can say you are not crazy and you are not alone in this

  15. It seems as if you are more inclined to accepting what you cannot explain. Forgive me for being blunt, but take the time to listen to what others have say, it may help. Keep an open mind and don't turn to quickly to the whole mental illness thing. I advise you to let go of burdens you may carry and to really look at the whole picture of what you are stepping into. Know what you as a human being can and cannot do. Follow what you think is right.

  16. Anyone who needs an answer badly will seek for it.  So, I don't think you are crazy.

    Like what psiexploration has suggested, check out those if you feel paranoid about yourself being schizo.  But our world is not really most percieve it to be.  A lot of people only believe what their eyes could see, but some people are gifted to see what others can't.

    I believe the boy you see on the street probably needs help and know that you have the requirements to help him.  He probably could sense that you feel disturbed by him, but still hope to get the message through dreams.  Or it may be that you are too frighten and it dwell in your subconsciouness, and therefore the dreams.

    You have to cope with it. Reading books and understanding spirits that have passed over, or about energy sources will help you a lot.  To get rid of fear is easier said than done.  Make the best out of your 'gift'.  You might not realised, but you can help others with it.

  17. It's a shame that you received so many responses straight from the Dark Ages, where the world is filled with all manner of ghosts, demons, magic, fears and superstitions. That is not the real world we live in.

    I don't think you're crazy, and besides that is not a clinical psychological term anyway. However, hearing, feeling and smelling are senses that are very prone to the power of suggestion, so if you already convinced yourself that you are sensing paranormal things in these ways, your mind is going to continue to fool you into thinking you're actually having real physical sensations when they are really just manufactured in your mind.

    But if you're seeing things as well, that could indicate a medical condition or a mental condition. And if you're hearing and having actual conversations with "spirits", then I am very concerned for your mental well-being. If it was just the incident when you were 8 years old, that's nothing to be worried about. Kids have vivid imaginations, and after all this time has passed you can't trust that memory anymore.

    But ghosts, spirits, spooks, etc., don't exist, so if you think you're still seeing/hearing beings and they aren't there, you're having either a vision/hearing problem or a mental problem. Seek medical attention as soon as you can. I would strongly recommend seeing a your doctor first. He may suggest that you see a psychiatrist depending on what you tell him, and he will probably want to give you a physical as well.

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