
Am I just imagining this or is she just trying to get at me?

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My soon to be mother in law has done some shady things in the past but this last stunt....Are you kidding me? She brings over pictures of a girl that my fiance was in love with all through growing up. The picture is of her with her shorts unbuttoned and no shirt on. I am 27 with 3 kids and very secure in my relationship but should I really be having to deal with this kind of c**p?




  1. Absolutely NOT!!!  She's being very rude and crude!  Your fiance should take the pics and destroy reason for his mother to have such pics of her.  He should also tell her that unless she shows you respect...he will no longer acknowledge her or have her in his home

  2. well she is jealous... if you are secure and trust your fiancee just dont care for her... but see that she does not say anything weird about you to him....

  3. absolutely not!

    i would sit down and polietly tell her you would rather not see naked pics of his ex's or any other pics of his ex's for that matter lol  

  4. it very clear from wat u say that she's tryin to alienate u frm her son... dont give her the satisfaction of showin her that her sick methods hav paid off!!!! just ignore her..or u cud evn tak a look at the photos n tell ur mom-in-law, "i can do better than THAT!!" he he[:P]...might put her in her place... but jokes apart, if she still comes up with such mean n lowly tricks, have a talk with ur fiance bout wats bothering u... n untimately, u r NOT marrying HER, u'r marryin her SON n ur relationship is secure...dont let this affect it...... good luck..

  5. well probably she is aiming for you to act angry if you just remain calm and act as if you don't care she will feel that some of her 'power' is gone  

  6. This is extremely inappropriate to say the least. If your fiance agrees with your point of view you should have him talk to his mother and set the ground rules for your furture relationship. There must be mutual respect between you or she will continue to pull stunts like this.

  7. i would take the picture and tell your hubby to be, she is pathetic. explain to your fiancee that you cant take anymore of her interfering and trying to make you hate him or whatever, you know your a 27 year old women who wants to live her life with the man she loves and not some pathetic, jealous old cow basically! hopefully he'll have a word if not, id bite her head off tell her straight, your marrying her son whether she likes it not, nothing will get in between you and she needs to grow up and back off!

  8. no! tell the ***** to get over it cuz you're marrying her son whether she likes it or not!

  9. She don't like you and is just trying to get under your skin. Don't pay any attention to her.  

  10. i wouldnt... that is sooo messed up.. i would be mad..that sucks!!

  11. That is pretty odd. No, you shouldn't have to deal with that kind of c**p. I find that strange...

  12. Simply ~ this is very inappropriate.  However, I simply ask the woman what her intentions are.  " What would you like me to do with these photographs " ? . . . if she wants you to have them . . . fine.  When she leaves, talk to your fiance about the the encounter and then (likely) toss them in the garbage.

  13. Of course you shouldn't have to deal with it, but reality is that you will probably be dealing with stupid stuff like this for a long time.  Tell your fiance and have him handle his own mother.  If he won't stick up for you or is afraid to cross his mother, look out.  He will probably be even more of a wimp in the future.  Decide now if you can live with that.

    Learn the art of smiling and nodding a lot and never letting the crazy lady see you sweat.  Always be polite.  Always be kind.  Never give her any reason to say anything that is bad and true about you.  You be the better person.  That will drive her completely crazy and afford you some fun as well.

    Good luck 'cause you're gonna need it.

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