
Am I just jealous? ?

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There is this girl at my school who drives me crazy! She's loud and obnoxious. When she talks people listen to her, even if they're right in the middle of a conversation. She is friends with people that she barely has anything in common with. People laugh at her jokes as if they've never heard anything like them and the teachers are constantly complimenting her.

It just drive me crazy how everybody seems to kiss her feet when if you take a second to examine the facts, she's just like anybody else. The way people obsess over her drives me crazy and while I was telling a friend this, she said i was just jealous.... is it true?




  1. Actually. You could be slightly envious? Don't take it as a bad thing. Everyone gets envious of people who they don't even like. For some reason, people attract to the loud, and outgoing people. Even if they are annoying and s****. for some reason. I see it all the time at my school and it drives me crazy.  

  2. Yes, I'd say this is the textbook definition of jealous.

    They could put this story next to the word jealous in the dictionary and this story would illustrate the concept of jealousy.

    Most people who are jealous dont' like themselves that much.  Do you  think you have self-esteem issues?  Focus on yourself, your own goals, your own hobbies and interests, and your own schoolwork.

    As you go through life, you will always be able to find someone who happesn to be prettier, smarter, wealthier, more popular, thinner than you are, etc.. The trick is to feel good about YOURSELF and WHO YOU ARE.  

  3. Yeah probably a little bit. You probably hate her guts but there is a little jealously there. I wouldn't worry about it. Just start one uping the girl. . .

  4. maybe a little, maybe you wish that people gave you the same attention that they give her.  there's nothing really wrong with that as long as you don't act rude about it, if you can't stand her then just try to avoid her....that's really all you can do!

  5. you are jealous..... U should only worry about ur self.

  6. Yes. Sorry you are. Most people are jealous of somebody so don't feel bad but don't be mean to her. Treat her the same as everyone else.

  7. Sounds a little bit like you might be, especially with your analyzing and stating that "she's just like anybody else", when you really mean "she's just like ME, why aren't people doing the same thing with ME?"

    It's ok to be jealous -- as long as you don't act on it and say mean things about her behind her back.  Then you look rude and spiteful.  

  8. dear friend you are totally jealous.anyways it quite natural for humans hee..heee tc
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