
Am I less valuable than a girl who is more beautiful then me?

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Or more popular or outpoken?

Does this make me less lovable and less likely to succeed in life?

Will I ever find someone, especially having few friends only?

Should one even care?




  1. No You Are Not Less Valuable Probably More.

    You Will Find Someone That Cares Because Its Not About Looks Its About Personality And What Your Really Like And If Someone Says Different Then They Are Just Shallow People Who Dont Deserve To Have A Life.

  2. You'd do well to read "Soul Mates and Twin Flames," Elizabeth Clare Prophet,

    "When God Writes Your Love Story," Eric and Leslie Ludy,

    "For Women Only," Shaunti Feldhahn, and

    "Expecting Adam," Martha Beck.

  3. You are as valuable as anyone else-think positive!

  4. If beauty were the only standard of value, then yes.  If it were the only basis for popularity, love, or friendship.  But it's not.  I think you know this.

    Cultivate the beauty you have, if you wish, but there are many, many other things that you can cultivate to create value as well.

  5. ONLY if the person who desires beauty does not desire you.

  6. No.  Remember, sexual attraction does not equal value.  This was a mistake I made.  Sexual attraction is just sexual attraction.  It may have an impact on how many guys ask you for a date or wether you can be a model but it says nothing about your value as a person.

  7. Your value and worth is within you.

    Do not compare yourself to others as that is always a loosing cause.

    You are you!!

    Be the best you know how to be, and yes you will be able to find new friends that way.

  8. Less valuable to whom?

    If another doesn't value people by their beauty then "no".

    The problem is not so much who is the most beautiful.  What you need is a system of self evaluation that is not based on what others think of you.  That neatly solves that issue forever if you stop being concerned about how others judge your more superficial qualities.

  9. Being popular, outspoken or beautiful doesn't mean anything in terms of how lovable a person is. Greatness cannot be measured by any of these standards. Courage, integrity, kindness, honesty, sincerity, perseverance and selflessness: these are the kind of assets that are truly valuable, that will make you great and that would make you succeed in life.

    A wise man said once said that a women who is not attractive is more fortunate than one who is beautiful because she has a much greater chance of finding true love. If you are liked for your beauty, populartity or ability to be outspoken that kind of love simply isn't worth it.

    If you work toward and develop characteristics such as courage, integrity, kindness, honesty, sincerity, perseverance and selflessness, those characteristics would find you both success in life and somebody who loves you for who you are not for what eyes perceive one to be.

  10. valuable in what??

    a girl who is prettier then you makes her prettier then you... in the eye of the holder!  i'm sure there are other eyes who wouldnt agree!

    popularity is a joke unless you want to run for mayor or something it stops!!!  

    outspoken.. how can you be less valuable well in a place where others are to speak up you won't be but if your at a library your more valuable!  so it would depend on the the place time and point!

    if your not popular, outspoken, or beautiful... that has nothing to do with how you love!!!  or how you succeed .. unless you think to succeed is

    to be a loud,,  over dressed female working a corner so you get lots of money!  

    Basically we all have different traits weather one is loud or no.. drop dead gorgous or not,, if one is smart or wise or ect....

    it doesn't make one better then the other in general!

    yet one who is loud may be heard more quickly if you need to be heard then i would have someone with a trait of loud to do it for you!

  11. In her eyes, maybe.  The most important question is where do you stand on your own self worth?

    More likely to succeed in life?  Hardly.  Celebrities are some of the "best looking people" out there according to public opinion, and sure they are great on screen, but most of them can't hold down a marriage...I don't know how you measure success, but I'd rather struggle month to month and raise a healthy and successful family than have millions of dollars and my latest breakup all over the news.

    Just remember, your attributes will affect your own life more than the attributes of anyone, even your best friend or your husband.  Sure, these people may make the biggest impact on your life, but in the end what you've got is what you will have when the rubber meets the road, so ten years from now, it won't matter who had the better make-up or the more stylish jeans.

    Sorry I was so long winded...guess this is a hot-button issue for me!

  12. You are more than your heroes and your mentors.  Look at whom you've put on a pedestal.  You may be diminishing yourself in some way.  

  13. I value intellect more than beauty.

    Can't help it, smart chicks are hot for some reason.

  14. Your question assumes the static case.  Just give it time,

    Every dog has his (or her) day.

  15. Absolutely NOT! This world is made up of people who all look different for a reason. Plus, as we know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  

    Beauty does not exist only on the outer layer of your skin.  You can be a far more beautiful person on the inside, and you must learn how to show that to people.  I read an interesting metaphor recently, it went a little like this....

    We are all born with a flawless, crystal clear, life size diamond on the inside of us.  The only problem is that it is very dirty, and covered in tar.  And the only way to clean it is when you  start to work on yourself, question yourself on how and why you feel like you do, and in general, just find out who you are and what you are made of.  This was to prove that we are all equal human beings. We all have that flawless diamond, only some of us choose not to work to clean the tar of. And those who do, will sparkle and shine in which people down the street will see.  

    I would not worry a thing about what you look like on the outside, or what others think about you.  You need to have confidence and believe in yourself. You are a beautiful person just because you have that diamond on the inside.  Just keep working to shine it as clear and as bright as you can.  Before you know, you will have people who want to be your friend, or more, because they feel great when they are around you.  

    Thanks for reading!

  16. Why would you be in any way less than someone else? So what if you aren't as popular or outspoken. You are just as valuable as the next person. As long as you are being you, friends and Mr. Right will come along when you least expect it. It dosen't make you any less loveable. You can do anything you set your mind to. Don't let life right now stop you from being yourself or succeeding. Some of that what your worried about shouldn't even matter.

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