
Am I like a back-wards vegaterian?

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You know how some vegaterians eat fish (totally biased) well I eat mean but no seafood because it tastes rank! So does that mean I'm like a backwards vegaterian, is there a special name for it?




  1. yea you just don't like seafood..  When I grew up my parents loved seafood and made it all the time- and my brothers and I growing up couldn't stand eating it and didn't want any of it..  - that was back when I ate meat....

  2. There are many vegetarian sub-group in SEMI-VEGETARIAN main group. The stricter vegetarians are also called as VEGAN in modern term.

    Semi-vegetarianism is fashinable, and transition stage to become a stricter vegetarians.

    The word "vegetarian" is a generic blanket term used to describe anybody who does not eat meat, poultry, fish, or seafood. This encompasses vegans and also the various vegetarian sub-groups. Vegetarians are generally those people who have chosen a diet with far less restrictions than those chosen by a vegan.

    The differences between the various vegetarian sub-groups may appear to be small, but they are very important to the members who belong to each groups. In many cases the distinctions are important dietary or ethical decisions taken by the individual.

    Here are the various vegetarian sub-groups:



    Semi-vegetarians are people who have chosen to live a lifestyle which is not strictly vegetarian. A semi-vegetarian may be a person who only eats meat occasionally, or perhaps doesn’t eat meat, but eats poultry and fish.

    1) Ovo-Lacto-Vegetarian


    Ovo-lacto vegetarians are vegetarians who do not eat meat, poultry, fish, and seafood, but do eat eggs and milk. This is by far the largest group of vegetarians.

    2) Ovo-Vegetarian


    Ovo-vegetarians are people who would be classed as vegans if they did not eat eggs.

    3) Lacto-Vegetarian


    Lacto-vegetarians are people who would be classed as vegans if they did not consume milk.



    This is by far the strictest vegetarian sub-group or category.

    A vegan is a person who has chosen not to consume any animal products or byproducts. Some will even so far as not consuming honey and yeast, and others will not wear any clothing made from animal products. Veganism is a diet and lifestyle that seeks to exclude the use of animals for food, clothing, or any other purpose. Vegans endeavor not to use or consume animal products of any kind. The most common reasons for becoming a vegan are ethical commitment or moral convictions concerning animal rights, the environment, human health, and spiritual or religious concerns. Of particular concern are the practices involved in factory farming and animal testing, and the intensive use of land and other resources required for animal farming.

  3. pescetarian

  4. Are you saying "well I eat meat?" because "mean" isn't making too much sense to me and meat sounds like that's what your saying. If in fact you are saying you eat meat but not seafood your not a back-wards vegetarian, your not one at all. And there is no special name for it, so give up the meat and become a vegetarian or be an omnivore.

  5. fish is meat and vegetarians don't eat meat so anyone who eats fish is not a vegetarian                      

  6. Some people eat seafood and call themselves vegetarians, but real vegetarians don't eat any kind of animal and don't agree that those people are vegetarians unless the "seafood" is sea plants and not sea animals.

    You eat mean? I'm going to assume that's a typo for "meat."

    No, you aren't a vegetarian at all, and neither are the people who eat fish.

  7. no, i pretty much think this is the absolute non-vegetarian definition. usually fish is questionable for some people (though if you eat fish you are not a vegetarian). just saying that by any definition of vegetarian that is not one

  8. A person who eats fish but not other meat like chicken or beef is called a pesceterian. I don't think there's a name for someone who doesn't eat seafood.

  9. No, you're just a person that doesn't like fish.  When I used to eat meat (I'm a vegetarian now) I never ate seafood (yuck!).

  10. No, what a ridiculous question.

    "You know how some vegaterians eat fish"

    Uh, no. No such think exists, If someone eats fish, they are not vegetarian.

    Vegetarians do not eat animals.

    Fish, shrimp and clams are animals.

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