
Am I likely not going to succeed if I finish my B.A. when I'm 25 or older?

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I am currently 22, and due to some financial issues, I have had to delay finishing my B.A. in music until at least the age of 24. My intention has been to return to school full-time this fall, and I have two years remaining. Unfortunately, just today some new difficulties have arisen, and I'm not sure if I will be able to finish by 2010.

I am worried this will look bad when I apply to graduate schools as well as to prospective employers. Will this happen?

I already feel very dishonored by the fact that many of my friends who are my age already have completed their 4 year undergraduate degrees, and I feel dishonored by not having a degree for myself yet. I feel that people will respect me less until I do finish my degree. Any help? Can anyone help put me at ease?




  1. It will be fine.  My husband had to drop out of college and go back later.  He graduated at 27.  It has been NO problem.  

    Don't worry about what other people are doing.   Sometimes a little maturity can actually be to your benefit.

  2. Well, I have previously had a career...

    And, I won't get my degree until I am 31.

    Think of this:

    Guy A is 28 with a BA degree. He also has 2 years of experience for the job he is applying for.

    Guy B is 22 with the same BA. He also has zero job experience.

    Who is more likely to get the job?

    Think about this:

    An older person usually has a better resume, more job experience than a kid right out of college.

    While your 22 year old gets in at entry level, you have more maturity and more aquired skills.

    I'm a few years older than you and have seen this to be true.

    Finish your degree when you can.

    A degree is NOT the only thing that employers look for.

    And besides, a degree does not guarantee a good job.

    If everyone that applies for a certain job has one, who is going to get it?

    Build your resume. Get your degree. Refine your skills.

    Good luck!

  3. I have had to do th same thing. I am 23 and I am having to put school on hold untill I cant save up some more money. I feel bad about doing it too, but the more people that I talk to the more people tell me that is really ok. It is harder to go back once you have taken some time off but if you are determined then you can do it. Good Luck!

  4. I'm like you, I got my BA at 27. It hasn't been a problem. No employer may legally ask your age, and the extra experience you gained before graduation will be helpful.

  5. First, take it easy on yourself, ease up.  Graduate schools will think your tenacity and determination is admirable. Potential employers too.  Forge ahead, d**n the torpedoes and financial troubles.  Your friends had it easy, you didn't, you'll be stronger for it and that much more valuable to your students.  No dishoner at all because you ran into some troubles.  People will respect you more because of your sticktoitiveness. Your fellow students will respect you more because you're a tad older than them and yet you're working towards your degree.  By my saying you'll be more valuable to your students I mean you'll have discouraged students aplenty and who better than you to talk with them about perscervance, take it easy on yourself, look toward the goal, one day at a time.  Don't lecture to them, we've all had enough of that; just let them talk, "vent", and patiently encourage them and follow up.  If you're single you'll find the coeds, a little younger than you, attracted to you because of your maturity and singleness of purpose.  See, there's a lot to look forward to!  You've had some setbacks, sure, but that makes you stronger, not like the wimps who went through college without facing adversity other than fretting the next exam.  Good luck, hang in there, and you'll reach your goal and have winning bands.  Remember, lighten up on yourself.  A high school principal will rather hire you than a "kid" because you bring to the faculty more experience and maturity.  It's all looking up.

  6. You are still young there are lots of people that dont finish school until they are in their late 20's and even 30's. It is never to late to finish school. Dont put added stress on yourself by putting a time limit on your education.  This will not look bad when you apply to graduate schools because most schools want you to have job experience anyway. Dont be hard on yourself I went back to school at 30!!  lol. Be proud of yourself for the accomplishments you have made so far and Goodluck on going back to school!!

  7. I am 24 now and I feel the same way that you do. Feeling dishonor when all my friends graduated, but me. So, after I had my baby, I decided to go right back to school and I took 6 units in Spring 08, and 14 units in Summer 2008 ( I just finished them in fact..woh) by that you can see how serious I am in getting a degree.  Surprisingly, now I don't find myself being left behind, Instead, I found myself study better.  In fact, I got all A except :History" (my weakest subject). It could be that I am more mature and serious in studying, It could be that my English has gotten better? Either way, it take determination and persistence in reaching your goal. If everything goes well as planned, I will finish my BA in Accounting by Fall 2010.  I don't know when you will be able to finish your BA, but my suggestion to you is that "Don't ever lose your focus in getting a BA" Best wishes!!!

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